Comments on: Kratom Has Been Given A Reprive The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Thu, 13 Jul 2023 16:01:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: LurkingReader Fri, 07 Oct 2016 21:57:56 +0000 In reply to BT.

lol BT just came to start a post about that, will finish after dinner & things calm down a bit here.

By: BT Fri, 07 Oct 2016 12:59:44 +0000 Mike: I’m guessing you’ve seen this story somewhere.

By: lastnot Thu, 06 Oct 2016 16:44:59 +0000 In reply to MikeSouth.

Your comment made my day too 🙂 Thanks dude. You’re good people.

By: MikeSouth Wed, 05 Oct 2016 23:17:30 +0000 In reply to lastnot.

You have no idea how much it meant to me to read this. Seriously.
In the many years of doing this site I have made public some things in my life that others thought I shouldn’t have, be it the spinal tumor, my struggles with arthritis from various broken bones, my motorcycle accident and even Bells Palsy which some of the lesser sites use my BP photos to make fun of me but the truth is I have always felt it to be cathartic. When I write about something in my life that troubled me I found it always helped, and it has a side benefit that I know others may be going through the same thing, or may someday go through the same thing, if they can look at my life and how I came out on the other side thats a good thing.
Many times I have though about just giving up on, after all it costs me money on rare occasions I get enough paid ads that it pays for itself but thats really rare. The server alone costs me 250.00 a month more than it would cost if I only had my paysites but when I get a note/comment/letter like yours…it is all worth every dime.

Kratom has been good for me because I was going to a pain management doctor once a month and getting opiods for pain management after switching to Kratom I haven’t been back in over six months, I don’t take it daily, but when I need it for pain issues it WORKS and I wanted to share that experience because I knew some of my readers were on pain management…like MHarris, he has made no secret of it….I did a lot of research and found exactly what you said before I recommended it….I stand by my recommendation
If I can help someone through my life experiences that is all the legacy I need in my life. Thank You for telling me this, it made my day!!!

By: lastnot Wed, 05 Oct 2016 22:08:01 +0000 The United States has no idea how to handle drugs, addiction or criminalization. I discovered kratom through you, Mike, and it quite literally saved my life. In addition to being an excellent natural pain remedy, it also works wonders for quitting alcohol. I come from a very long line of very drunk alcoholics, and I haven’t had a sip since I started taking kratom medicinally since August of last year.

There is SO much mis/disinformation about kratom online. Yes, it is addictive; if you take it consistently you will become dependent on it. But the withdrawals are about a tenth of what opiate addicts go through when detoxing. It feels like an annoying flu, goes away in less than 24 hours, and causes no frightening health issues. It is an excellent way to regulate dopamine.

Kratom is a miracle for opiate addiction. I’m so thankful to you for introducing me to PA Botanicals as well; I’ve tried about 15 online vendors and PAB is hands down the best. Even Mmmm Speciosa doesn’t come close to the quality, customer service and prices that PAB offers. I am not being paid to say this shit either. I hope the DEA really does look into the medicinal properties of the plant, because every strain produces very different results. Personally, the red strain family makes me nauseous immediately, but the Maeng Da and Vietnam strains have improved my ‘sober’ quality of life more than anything I’ve ever tried before.

Also, it is physically impossible to overdose on kratom. If you take even a tiny bit more than your body can handle, you will be puking your guts out. Any claims of kratom overdose are frankly laughable and ignorant.

Thanks Mike, thank you PAB. Here’s to hoping the DEA doesn’t fuck this up like they have with almost every other illegal drug.
