Comments on: Just How Inept IS The FSC? Your AIM Data Is STILL Online The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Thu, 15 Sep 2011 20:23:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: mharris127 Thu, 15 Sep 2011 20:23:54 +0000 This argument is entertaining, but the small claims trial coming up c/o Tara Akinlose should be a riot! I wish I could be in the gallery to watch Tara get a large plate of crow handed to her (and maybe a 90 day jail term for contempt).

As for Mike sucking a strap-on, I think he would rather suck on January’s clitoris instead.

By: JanuarySeraph Thu, 15 Sep 2011 10:30:26 +0000 “The funny thing is what you write says far far more about you than I ever could…”

I agree Mike.

The more he writes about anyone, the better they end up looking, and the worse he does.

By: lansky Thu, 15 Sep 2011 04:51:48 +0000 Damn,South. Whiteacre just owned you bad buddy. lol!!

By: MikeSouth Wed, 14 Sep 2011 05:26:31 +0000 The funny thing is what you write says far far more about you than I ever could…

OK by me….

By: Michael Whiteacre Wed, 14 Sep 2011 05:07:48 +0000 You’ve called me an idiot and a hack for the last time, buddy boy.

Nobody on this whole shit-eating planet tells me what to say, prick. NOBODY. Go suck on January’s strap-on.

AGAIN you can’t deal with the fact that you were WRONG and that you misread a simple press release. So instead you call people names.

Big man.

And, what the hell does FSC have to do with the last three times people tested positive? That doesn’t even make sense. AIM was still in operation prior to April — AIM put out the public statements on exposures, not FSC.

But, of course, you never respond to any specific points that prove you’re wrong; instead ignore them and keep reporting the same tired bullshit. And you call ME an idiot.

And keep an eye on the news, buck-o, ‘cuz I’ve got a story that’ll show you and your readers (at least the ones that are left now that PWL is down) what a REAL scoop is.

See you around, Mike “Amateur” South.



By: MikeSouth Wed, 14 Sep 2011 04:44:07 +0000 Well Michael it’s you who has his info all wrong…you simply say what Joanne tells you to say, which is to spout the party line.

it doesn’t really matter the FSC is knocking on deaths door anyway.

But for the record the only accepted test for HIV confirmation is the ELISA/Western Blot combo. That’s the confirmatory test when yer PCRDNA test comes up positive.

And tell me something the last three times someone tested positive I had to point out the error in the FSC’s math (going 30 days prior) and damned if you idiots didn’t make the same mistake again last time….does 3rd grade math elude you geniuses?

And as for Jeffery’s involvement in the FSC/AIM you are right on one point…he doesnt do a fucking thing for either one.

now about that google stuff y’all were gonna do…..

yup once again all talk, no action….

It aint me that that tells the world the FSC sucks, I just tell you what the people in porn won’t say to you but will say to me.

You don’t like t…tough shit…

By: Michael Whiteacre Wed, 14 Sep 2011 04:10:06 +0000 FSC is not in control of the AIM website, AS YOU KNOW — but of course it’s more important to you to deride FSC than it is to report facts, isn’t it, Mike?

Jeffrey Douglas — who handled First Amendment issues for AIM (pro bono, I might add) — is not in control of the AIM website, AS YOU KNOW — but of course it’s more important to you to deride FSC than it is to report facts, isn’t it, Mike?

Keep going Mike, you’re doing great…

Something else needs to be said — you’re a good-hearted person, Mike, but you’re not an expert on the porn business, and you never have been.

At best you’re an expert on making amateur porn in the boondocks.

Donny Long, as vile and repugnant a human being as he is, had FAR more relevance to the modern porn industry than you ever did.
