Comments on: Jessica Chase Gets New Charges The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Tue, 04 Jul 2023 09:17:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: mharris127 Thu, 06 Apr 2017 04:43:32 +0000 I wrote my comment earlier and just re-read it. I tried to make this clear but I am not intending to excoriate Mike. He didn’t do anything wrong hiring Jessica for a scene, no one knew at the time that she was (allegedly) a loose enough cannon that she could kill someone. I was commenting as to what I would be thinking in his situation with this and actually feel bad for him being thrown into this mess. I just had trouble adequately communicating that IMO upon re-reading my comment with some time passing between commenting and re-reading it. Apologies to Mike if my comment was comprehended in a way I didn’t intend by anyone.

By: mharris127 Wed, 05 Apr 2017 23:54:58 +0000 FJC, I bet Mike is wishing he had not fucked Jessica Chase (as in him inserting his dick into her “holes”) right now. Mike and his websites were Jessica’s route of entering porn and if I were him I would be wondering if this possibly could have went different and there was a chance of her being around causing multiple people to be killed on a porn set. Fortunately that didn’t happen but in retrospect the possibility was there. Mike is probably also fending off multiple Ohio media reporters wanting interviews as to what she was like to work with and whether there was any indication to him of her being able to do something like this.

As for Jessica’s bail I am glad she is in on $500K bail. That will ensure she can’t kill anyone in the free world while the police finish investigating the situation and can determine whether she likely killed her husband or whether this was truly a misunderstanding. If she is innocent I am sorry but a few innocents have to be caught in the law enforcement snare in order to get most of the guilty, if she is really innocent I hope this is sorted out and she is allowed to continue her life. If she is guilty I hope she receives 20 years of nightly “five bubba” treatments before she is executed by whatever method is used at that time.

By: mharris127 Wed, 05 Apr 2017 05:28:37 +0000 In Michigan she would have another arraignment anyway with an additional bail amount set or an order to remand into custody without bail (here in MI the latter is legal for a judge to order for murder charges, I can’t speak to Ohio law).

I think Jessica is in trouble so deep she can’t see the sunlight over her head. I also seem to recall Ohio has the death penalty for murder so assuming she is actually guilty more than likely we will have the first porn chickie in recent memory to be sentenced to death for a crime. Whether we will actually see the first legal porn chickie execution I can’t predict (due to fast changing case law in this regard and thanks to a pansy anarchist EU drug company refusing to sell the drugs needed for a “humane” execution to US customers — I say just shoot or hang death penalty convicts) but barring extenuating circumstances she will probably be sentenced to death.

By: fuckjessicachase Tue, 04 Apr 2017 20:05:43 +0000 MIKE SOUTH- Jessica Chase is being held on a $500,000 bond. The media has not updated that yet. She has a public defender, but has not entered a plea on any of her charges. The prosecutor found an old case where she sliced her ex-boyfriend open after she threatened to shoot him with a gun. AND the mugshot is a good view of what she looked like daily before she committed murder. She was a vile woman in the neighborhood with a history of violence and was known for acting crazy.
