Comments on: James Deen What Is Next My Thoughts The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Sat, 15 Jul 2023 12:58:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: laura Tue, 08 Dec 2015 16:00:53 +0000 In reply to joeschmoe.

@joeshmoe.. very well said

By: Ari Bass Tue, 08 Dec 2015 01:48:50 +0000 James is part of the chosen ones. We Jews in the porn industry are the chosen ones and he is the King of porn Jews.

By: LurkingReader Mon, 07 Dec 2015 01:26:51 +0000 In reply to MikeSouth.

“Personally this is enough for me not to hire him but then I wouldnt pay his rates anyway….”
Somebody somewhere is prolly saying you’re a cheapskate that doesn’t value male talent 😉

By: joeschmoe Sun, 06 Dec 2015 23:31:17 +0000 @mdxxx

Your quote ” I don’t think a studio would let a girl get abused and just let it slide …..I don’t think allowing women to be abused on set is one of the things they allow to happen on a regular basis.”

You can not say you understand the porn industry and make that statement at the same time. You can chose to believe what you want; however you won’t get many people to see your points when you make statements like that.

As for listing off the girls sexual experiences as a reason to disbelieve rape allegations. Again, this just shows you don’t get it, and may never. That is ok; you can think what you want.

A girl can do a 2000 man gangbang non stop for 72 hours straight. If she says NO to man 2001, and he still grabs her hips and puts his dick up her ass, that is rape. You can deny that all you want, however those are the facts. No matter what a person allows or consents to, the moment they say no or stop, that is the moment it becomes wrong. This is not a grey area.

You trot out a lot of the narrow thinking; girl is a whore so she possibly can’t be raped, all women are lying money sucking bitches, and you enjoy seeing women suffer and be hurt. Again, you can think that all you want, that doesn’t make it correct.

And, it is your response to each girl by laying out some of their sexual history, that just again shows why porn girls don’t come forward. You have kept bringing up the concept of why didn’t they report it at the time…. well, that is a big reason why. People ignore or not believe them because they are sexually active women.

By: schlermy Sun, 06 Dec 2015 20:50:40 +0000 In reply to Karmafan.

Karmafan I should have referenced Mike’s quote “The most common complaint I have heard about why former fans abandoned porn is the violence that seems to be the norm these days, I know its true for me.”

I just don’t think many people have abandoned porn, it’s like crack cocaine why would they stop? Like I mentioned above there’s just very little good porn being produced. I think the golden era of porn was 1992-2006 but that’s just my opinion.

By: Karmafan Sun, 06 Dec 2015 20:10:52 +0000 In reply to schlermy.

Schlermy is right about tattooed biker type chicks but I’m not sure what that has to do with this topic.

By: schlermy Sun, 06 Dec 2015 17:50:53 +0000 I don’t think more than 1% of porn fans(which is almost every single male on the face of the planet) have abandoned porn. It’s just the effort it takes to find one decent scene is like finding hens teeth. Nobody really wants to watch the same old fat assed, tattoo/oil covered biker chicks get banged.

By: MikeSouth Sun, 06 Dec 2015 17:48:56 +0000 In reply to mdxxx.

I want to clear something up…Bonnie Rotten, to my kn owledge has ONLY spoken to me and in that conversation she was very clear that she didn’t want to be seen as a victim or anything. her statement was that there were only a very few people on her no list and that James Deen was one of them because of her prior experiences with him not respecting her boundaries. She did this because she and I are friends from way back and I knew she had worked with Deen and actually expected that she might support him. No matter what the girls histories or reputations when this many girls come out of the woodwork with similar stories that raises a red flag, when companies that he shoots for abandon him immediately that means that they are concerned about liability which says very clearly to me that they were not surprised.

I absolutely understand why none of the girls pressed charges. While I wouldnt put Deen in jail based on all of this I would certainly put him under increased scrutiny…which is exactly what is being done….Personally this is enough for me not to hire him but then I wouldnt pay his rates anyway….

By: LurkingReader Sun, 06 Dec 2015 15:09:36 +0000 In reply to BT.


There’s the other lawsuit too. They both focus heavily on consent and how Kinks business practices work to ensure the limits of consent are respected.. Kink didn’t come out and ditch Deen to support Stoya or admit there was any proof to the allegations in the alarming pattern. The threw him under the bus to say see how we don’t tolerate the crap were gonna fix in the coming months 🙂

By: BT Sun, 06 Dec 2015 12:54:00 +0000 In reply to mdxxx.

You’re wrong. That’s, in part, why Cameron Bay is suing Kink. And before someone chimes in and says, well, she signed on with Kink, she knew what she was doing, remember that Peter Acworth has said publicly that things happened on that shoot that never should have happened and Xander has conceded that he kept shoving a bloody penis in Cameron Bay’s mouth.
