Comments on: James Deen, His Fate Is In His Own Hands Now The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Wed, 09 Dec 2015 21:17:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: LurkingReader Wed, 09 Dec 2015 21:17:40 +0000 In reply to laura.


Yep…The attraction of doing stuff like hoisting a car from a harness rigged to the face or genitals is just beyond me but I gotta tell ya that’s some amazing shit to be doing.

JD interview in the Beast? Yep that was polished aka edited but if it was edited by a third party before sending he wasted his money.

By: laura Wed, 09 Dec 2015 18:06:39 +0000 In reply to LurkingReader.

@lurking..I hear yea about the facials and actually goes along with making my point. If Belle “really” feels okay about it, then I do too. I thought those working with Deen really felt okay about it, even enjoyed it, which allowed me as a viewer to also. (Keeping in mind I really only watched the vanilla stuff.) As for the JD interview, it did seem like his words to me, but a bit polished.

By: Ivy Tue, 08 Dec 2015 12:15:59 +0000 In reply to joeschmoe.

@joeschmoe totally agree. Deen has an adorable look, but me personally, whatever he did just wasn’t for me. I can’t speak for why other feminists liked him so much, I don’t get it either. But I think @laura pretty much hit the nail on the head with her thoughts.

By: LurkingReader Tue, 08 Dec 2015 11:16:20 +0000 In reply to laura.


Farrah Abraham and Deen content marketed their content as authentic “dating” content which was bullshit but part of their pre performance negotiated contracts. She isn’t coming forward out of the blue now, there was lots of ugly she’s a liar crap when she said she was drugged and raped while promoting the content on the road.

Belle Knox was trying to explain how empowered she felt choosing to do facial abuse scenes. She said it was better than long hours waiting tables dealing with grab ass bosses and customers. I think she would have been more effective at getting her point across if she didn’t disparage another profession.

She agreed to participate in the facial abuse scenes, her partners weren’t taking anything she didn’t willingly offer vs the degradation of having her body pawed compounded with the expectation that she ought to be okay with it as no big deal.

If women ought to be okay with uninvited subway groper s dry humping them without consent then men ought to be okay having their balls kicked into their chest cavities with out prior consent 🙂

By: laura Tue, 08 Dec 2015 07:48:49 +0000 In reply to laura.

Just want to add that although I mentioned it being a complex situation to process and understand, doesn’t mean I don’t believe the accusers. I do (with exception above mentioned) and I think it’s very brave of them to come forth.

By: laura Tue, 08 Dec 2015 05:40:42 +0000 In reply to mdxxx.

@mdxxx… Yes James and Manuel are good looking guys…but I actually think James appeal is more then that… I think from the viewers stand point he seemed like the non-creep.. the guy sensitive to women’s feelings.. which is why this is such a hard pill to swallow.. I don’t know James Deen personally, but of all the porn guys he’s the one that I would imagine really checking in with his partners.. which is one of the reasons I think he appealed to the feminist porn viewer (like myself).. it’s hard to watch porn if youre a feminist.. I can’t enjoy anything that is disparaging to women and it certainly doesn’t turn my on. Just normal porn would be a turn off to most of my feminist friends, but somehow I was able to enjoy it thinking the women in a scene with james were at least with a caring person..a non-jerk. But if he’s running around not stopping at no..or the use of a safe word, I was wrong. This is an extra complex situation to think through, because where does over exuberant hardcore that’s gone wrong end & rape start?..And now Farrah Abraham’s has come forth to say when she was “dating” JD she was raped. It’s really hard for me to believe the later when I don’t even believe the former.

By: mdxxx Tue, 08 Dec 2015 01:30:10 +0000 Pornstars like James Deen and Manuel Ferrera have huge followings for one reason. They are good looking guys. There is no denying that. Maybe not everybodies cup of tea, but those two guys alone probably have more followers than all the other male pornstars combined. Women actually watch a lot of porn and maybe they idolize Deen being that one to find the inner freak in them. Anyone else find that interesting? Because I sure as hell do!

Now this is the thing, I understand why porn directors would use Deen in a hardcore scene anyways, even if his rate is so high. I am assuming a high rate for a male pornstar of Deen’s stature is between 300-500 a scene. Maybe Manuel makes more. Both those guys have their own websites, and that alone is enough to keep them going.

While I will say that 7 people accusing Deen is extremely damning, I am one to not judge someone by the past. I am going to judge Deen from what he does here on forward. I hope he is able to comeback from this, but I doubt he does.

By: joeschmoe Mon, 07 Dec 2015 19:46:16 +0000 In reply to Ivy.

If feminism means gender equality, then I have never been able to understand why anyone equated Deen with feminism. They think he is cute, a small build, great eyes, and somehow that makes him a flag for gender equality? The type of sex he has on screen, and the stuff he does off screen, has nothing to do with gender equality or rights or women’s issues or anything. He is just a guy who has specific interest in doing specific things to women and making them feel a certain way. Whether a person loves what he does, or doesn’t like it; I still see no connection to feminism in what he does. Even for those who want to be treated that way; it is a massive stretch to connect being roughed up, gagged, slapped, spit on, and called degrading names by a man somehow means that man supports gender equality.

Maybe while they are in tears he can talk to them about how much he thinks women should be paid the same in a job, or that he supports their right to vote 🙂

So, when any feminist held Deen up, then I would question how they actually define it. I think most so called feminists don’t even know what it means, and just held him up because he was a cute looking guy with a small build.

By: Ivy Mon, 07 Dec 2015 14:45:48 +0000 In reply to joeschmoe.

@joe Most people have an antiquated view of feminism like people have antiquated views of HIV. Feminism means that you support gender equality. Period. That a woman is worth just as much as a man. Period. That’s it. It didn’t lose its meaning at all, but people have a knee jerk reaction to the word, that is not based in reality. It’s more of emotional reaction period. Only a piece of shit thinks a woman isn’t equal to a man. See Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie “We should all be feminists” ted talk. It will probably make you understand it, in 30 minutes, more than any treasure trove of books, scholarly articles or anything, anyone else will ever teach you.
I swear. That’s all it is. We are all equal.

By: Ivy Mon, 07 Dec 2015 09:48:42 +0000 In reply to MikeSouth.

@mikesouth I couldn’t put it into words what I didn’t like, but after having been traumatized I’m happy to say my current lover boy is so good to me. The mentality of the man is so important. I could never get into Deen’s porn because I never felt like, Hmmm oh yah that’s what I wanna be feeling now. My reaction has always been…non reactive. haha!
And about the feminism thing, I dunno why people who are feminists saw that and enjoyed it? I remember one lady wrote an article for Jezbel doing the fan shoot with Deen. She seemed very happy, and wrote about her good experiences.
