Comments on: Interesting Stuff The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Sat, 06 May 2017 06:28:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jamie Profit Tue, 01 Jul 2014 02:13:52 +0000 @Danny
As a fellow Hebrew jew, I find Mr.Bass one very sick in the mind
weirdo. He seriously needs some mental help. And he needs to
shave that beard. He can’t wear that beard to prison.

By: LurkingReader Mon, 30 Jun 2014 16:29:38 +0000 In reply to mharris127.


Not going to assume what a medical facility should charge for their time but using your $20 and say $200 for the test panel with first certificate included…and because they are known to already pay for straight talent tests.

1. Kink does as they do now, sends talent for testing and is billed.
2. Talent booked elsewhere….
Second producer asks talent where they tested…arranges for certificate copy…so instead of kink paying 200 and new guy 20, kinks bill is reduced to 110 with other guy paying 110, if a third came on board 240/3 fourth 260/4 fifth 280/5 etc

The state & OSHA don’t want test results, and lab results won’t offer proof of payment to cover producers ass… talent has no incentive to pass on a copy of their actual lab results when they can maintain their right to medical privacy. Second producers expecting talent to provide a copy to help them out are going to be costing fellow producers out of pocket cash and that isn’t going to go down well.

By: mharris127 Mon, 30 Jun 2014 01:28:24 +0000 In reply to LurkingReader.

If you could get the companies to agree on a value per certificate that wouldn’t be a bad idea. The rate would have to balance out the performers that only perform once a month to the ones that perform daily. I think $20 per certificate would be fair but since the performers would also have to be given the test results (so he/she knows whether he/she can either work or what the doctor needs to prescribe to cure a VD) how many producers would just ask the performer for a copy of his/hers and forgo the $20 fee — causing the whole arrangement to implode. I agree that a certificate fee would be fairer than the current system but enforcing it would be an issue.

By: Danny Davis Sat, 28 Jun 2014 23:15:39 +0000 @Monica Foster: Hey Monica did you know Michael Whiteacre likes to play with feces? Heard he used to do that over at BateMan Films in downtown LA ,but he liked to play with LA homeless people’s shit too.
He needs some serious mental help. REAL SICKO.

By: susannahbreslin Sat, 28 Jun 2014 22:13:35 +0000 “For many porn performers the condom law has been their first real education on how a law becomes a law” [NSFW]

By: LurkingReader Fri, 27 Jun 2014 23:26:12 +0000 In reply to jilted.

Exactly my point that AB1576 isn’t flawed because it requires porn medical providers to stop the practice of releasing HIV results as part of testing panel for every tom dick or Harry to access.

The results of HIV are not released on medical certificates nor are other seemingly innocuous diagnostic criteria like blood pressure. Medical certificates protect privacy using WNL (within normal limits) when it comes to employment certificates those normal limits relate to the employers requirement not diagnostic testing.

By: jilted Fri, 27 Jun 2014 23:13:59 +0000 In reply to LurkingReader.

but these are HIV results,,,,which require a specific release, with the a signed release by the patient, for every single time the result is forwarded to someone, The HIV release must have the specific name of the person the result is going to, and exactly how it is to be transitted. This is exactly why the AIM release didnt hold water when they got sued by Darren James, it was never worth the paper it was printed on.

releasing HIV results is a whole different ball of wax,,,,especially when youre releasing them to multiple parties.(another flaw in ab1576)

By: LurkingReader Fri, 27 Jun 2014 22:55:05 +0000 In reply to jilted.


Lol….medical facilities routinely do shared cost third party billing as well as issue health certificates for employment, education, sports and even travel purposes. Not advocating medical facilities do anything for porn beyond what they do as a normal course of business.

Any parent of a kid in multiple sports knows they’re doc wants 48 hrs notice and charges a document fee for second, third and forth copies of the still valid school/sports physical.

By: jilted Fri, 27 Jun 2014 21:51:19 +0000 In reply to LurkingReader.

Sounds like a good idea but using the private, for profit medical facilities as the means to help PRODUCERS save a buck just aint right.

Leave the MEDICAL facilities out of the PORN industry. Medical faciltities cater to people regardless of their occupation. Do not put the PORN INDUSTRY’s lack of a workable system at the feet of the MEDICAL faciltities.

By: LurkingReader Fri, 27 Jun 2014 21:37:54 +0000 In reply to mharris127.


Now you understand why I advocate shared costing with the testing facility billing per certificate requests during the valid test time.

The stakeholder has proof they paid for it with the advantage that their costs may be reduced with subsequent use and performer is saved time, travel and unnecessary repeat medical procedures.
