Comments on: I Have To Drink And Do Drugs To Dumb Myself Down Enough To Cope With the Morons In This Biz The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Sat, 13 Apr 2013 23:59:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: jilted Sat, 13 Apr 2013 23:59:38 +0000 In reply to RiccoMarin.

Isnt there clinic in the west valley by an old oak tree where you can get just about anything else you need urgently besides coke and crack? And if you want to shoot it up you need your own rig. I’ve heard this rumor before.

By: RiccoMarin Sat, 13 Apr 2013 19:25:02 +0000 In reply to rawalex.

Who is the Biggest Coke dealer and crack slinger in the valley for the porn industry?

By: rawalex Thu, 11 Apr 2013 03:27:55 +0000 Mike, what you are getting from FSC is the same shit I get when I talk to pirates about copyright infringement and piracy. Clearly, if I am not 100% supporting piracy, I must be some sort of industry shill, or some sort of government worker, or a huge supporter of SOPA… and so on.

What the FSC is trying to do is make the whole thing “us or them”. They are trying to make an issue black and white, so that they can be the ones standing out as the “supporters of good” – and anyone who doesn’t agree with them obvious supports bad. They don’t consider that there is any middle ground, or third option, because if there is, there is no way for them to squeeze money out of people are their sole protectors.

It’s funny to watch, and very sad at the same time. If this is the best opposition from the industry, then the industry is solidly doomed.

By: Karmafan Thu, 11 Apr 2013 00:34:08 +0000 How many porn stars of any decent length in the business can say they have never gotten an STD while working? I bet you could count the number on one hand. LOL @ Kernes saying there is no problem.

By: DWB Thu, 11 Apr 2013 00:09:57 +0000 It’s funny watching porn people argue if there is an STD problem or not. Of course STDs are high, people are having sex all the time on top of escorting and screwing random people off cam, including untested producers and cameramen. If you think STDs are not high, you are truly living in an alternate universe. You have actual talent saying there is a problem, then you have mouth pieces from the FSC saying there is no problem. Who are you going to believe, the suits in an office or the soldiers on the battle field? This shouldn’t even be open for debate. Sex = STDs. More sex = more STDs. It’s common sense. Deal with it.

By: J.r. Wolfe Wed, 10 Apr 2013 23:38:27 +0000 they’re more worriend about making cents than sense, the herpies situation doesn’t suprise me

By: jilted Wed, 10 Apr 2013 22:33:18 +0000 In reply to jilted.

Mark, do you think the assembly is just going to take your word for it that the std problem is so small. Dont you think they will want some proof of this? Do you think they will just take your word for it? LOL. Here’s a question Mark will never adress, Why does the industry never talk about Hep C? What does the APHSS medical advisory board say about Hep C? Actually, they say nothing, and exactly who are they?

By: jilted Wed, 10 Apr 2013 22:28:08 +0000 In reply to richard373.

Mark Kernes says there is a small std issue in the industry. So Mark, how many performers test postive for an std every month? What is the rate of std’s in the industry? If you know its a small problem, please tell us how small, and where you get that information. Of course APHSS cannot tell you,,,they only get the clean results and never even hear about the positves, so Markie, where does your information come from, and what is the std rate in the industry? If everybody is getting tested all the time then what are the rates?

By: richard373 Wed, 10 Apr 2013 22:15:37 +0000 Diane Duke Earns Quote of The Week: “Republicans are going to save our asses at this point”

–Gene Ross

I know it’s only Wednesday, but Free Speech Coalition’s Diane Duke gets the quote of the week for the sheer amusement value of her comments in Sacramento yesterday.

Duke was basically lamenting the fact that the adult industry isn’t getting a fair shake in the imminent passage of AB 332 which will mandate condoms in porn movies shot in California when she is quoted by AVN’s Mark Kernes:

“A lot of people disapprove of the fact that we’re having conversations with Republicans, but my experience of coming to the capital time and time again is that whether it’s a tax bill or AB 332, the Republicans are going to save our asses at this point.”

Yeah, Diane, handsome Jimmy Lee [pictured], your Republican hired gun did a great job on spearheading Measure B. By the way, how is that working out for ya? Rumor has it Handsome Jimmy took some of the Free Speech money you paid him and went to Hair Club for Men.

By: Craig Amabello Wed, 10 Apr 2013 21:32:14 +0000 Craig Amabello liked this on Facebook.
