Comments on: Evening Sky poses this question in ADT: The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Wed, 12 Jul 2023 15:23:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: JoeThePlumber Mon, 24 Nov 2008 10:02:58 +0000 Take a look at wild animals when they mate—we’re only separated from them by a few millions years. We have the same instincts hardwired into the primordial portions of our brains, and not only is it pleasurable to act on them, it is also pleasurable to see them acted out by others. Laws, rules, inhibitions imposed on us by society prevents us from acting on these instincts most of the time for fear of consequences.

That’s where porn comes in. Porn is the act of exploring the depths of human sexuality without regard for the social consequences of those actions. When your socially programmed behavioral response meets porn, the results are unpredictable. Some people watching the what they consider degrading, degenerate porn will actually feel sick, while others are turned on by it. The elements of guilt, liberation, and fantasy play a part too in the arousal of the pleasure centers when viewing porn.

So there you have it, not entirely a complete treatise on human sexuality but something I can type up only after watching some Kayden Kross porno. People want what they want, even if they don’t understand why they want it.

By: Goddess Thu, 20 Nov 2008 23:46:33 +0000 Along these same lines, I have to say that I’ve never understood guys who despise women who are “easy”. They’re more than willing to sleep with them, but are also the first to call the woman “slut” and “trash” as if this allows them to distance themselves from the situation, and somehow makes them “better” than the her.

If the woman is ‘trash,’ what does that make a guy who is more than willing to fuck her?

By: sodom1981 Thu, 20 Nov 2008 22:58:05 +0000 When I was a senior in high school it used to almost make me physically ill to watch women getting slapped and choked, etc. in porn.

Then during college I started an online porn site which I still run today, and it created the necessity to watch porn every single day.

Four years, thousands of porn movies later, numerous trade shows, and the abuse no longer sickens me.

I still hate the slapping in the face stuff, but the choking and all that I don’t really mind — at least watching it.

I think my getting to know some of the girls changed my attitude in part. However, there’s no question that my tastes have gotten more extreme. Not in the violence area, but in general.

You’re right about feeding the marketplace. I do find it troubling that violent and abusive porn is so popular. I think it taps into some kind of primal instinct of man to wanna dominate women.

With such a glut of women in the industry now, I think they feel like the only way to get noticed is to do something more extreme than the next girl — which is probably true.
