Comments on: Don’t Hire Us To Fight and We Won’t Hire You To Fuck The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Tue, 16 Feb 2010 18:19:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: Hunter Tue, 16 Feb 2010 18:19:47 +0000 Coming from you, that means alot, Sweetie. Miss H says “howdy”, and adds, “kisses, licks, and nibbles.” We need to get together again real soon!

By: Lindsey Lovehands Tue, 16 Feb 2010 14:53:13 +0000 Hunter don’t sell yourself short…you’ll be a BIG star…xoxo Lindsey P.S. Tell Miss H howdy!

By: Hunter Mon, 15 Feb 2010 04:11:06 +0000 I’m just waiting around for the skinny, long-haired, over 40, out of shape hippie with bad knees to become the next big craze. I am SOOOO gonna be a superstar.

By: PornLife Mon, 15 Feb 2010 02:33:00 +0000 It doesn’t help that most porn stars seem infatuated with MMA and the tattoo/steroid look is everywhere in LA, particularly in Porn Valley and the endless So Cal burbs.

I sometimes think if Jenna hadn’t married Tito the craze wouldn’t be so big.


By: juliemeadows Mon, 15 Feb 2010 01:37:05 +0000 I think that’s fair.

By: jeffmullen Sat, 13 Feb 2010 01:11:47 +0000 I agree one hundred percent. There is no place in our industry for sad sacks like those that bully and use their fists to settle their personal problems. That’s what overpaid attorneys are for lol. No really I was there when Kane punched Porno Dan in the jaw and he can only be described as an out of control animal. I am sure somebody will hire him but I will not had a high opinion of that company. Some love Porno Dan and others might not but doing something like that at the XBiz Awards (or anyplace) was not the way to go.
