Comments on: Do The Troops Defend Our Freedom? The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Wed, 12 Jul 2023 10:51:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mark Wed, 28 May 2008 19:00:07 +0000 Very interesting article. Doesn’t surprise me to stumble upon it here either, which is what keeps bringing me back to your site with regularity, Mike. Coming here, I know it won’t be the ‘same ole’ cookie cutter porn gossip being passed off as relevant news. lol

And every now and again (more often than not) you expose a little tidbit of brain candy with regards to issues that could affect everyone, not to mention the industry as well (unfortunately, the hard of thinking will not see through this). The juxtaposition is clear to see and it’s rather frightening…

The only part of the hypothesis that I see being unsustainable is the citizen army. Eventually once a few generations pass, without proper training and honing of fighting instincts we could easily end up defending ourselves with disorganized defenses and antiquated armament if not hammers and sickles.

But I most certainly agree that, with the current direction, the writing is on the proverbial wall.

By: MikeSouth Wed, 28 May 2008 03:15:01 +0000 Actually this is MY website and what is posted here is entirely at my discretion, with the exception of those entrusted to write for me.

If you don’t want to read a political post skip over it.

THAT’S the great thing about freedom baby!

By: digital blonde Wed, 28 May 2008 03:11:43 +0000 I signed up just to make this one comment. This is a porn gossip website, if we wanted serious journalism or political commentary, we know where to find it, and it wouldn’t be here.
