Comments on: Democracy At Work AHF Gets Measure Requiring Condom Use On Ballot The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Sat, 03 Dec 2011 22:21:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jamie Gardner Sat, 03 Dec 2011 22:21:30 +0000 I wish people in the x-rated industry were as persistant as Aids Healthcare Foundation. It would have been interesting to see how many signatures could have
been gathered against mandatory condom use. Porn actresses could have been used to attract guys attention and it could have been explained how mandatory condoms would cause more problems. The same tactics that AHF is using could be used against boxing. Someone could claim that boxers being brain damaged is rampant in boxing. That would be using the same sensationalistic tactic that AHF is using. There is a half truth to what AHF is claiming. In the gay male porn industry, there are many people with HIV. This is not true of the heterosexual porn industry.

By: mharris127 Thu, 01 Dec 2011 20:27:47 +0000 If this passes porn will likely leave LA, giving a financial bonanza to San Francisco and Marin County where all of porn will return to (most California porn was made in San Francisco and Marin County before 1987 as the LA vice squads were chasing porn out of their city then with vicious prosecutions). I bet SF and Marin officials are licking their chops from the money they will make issuing film permits. Of course passage is guaranteed because the LA voters don’t understand the implications caused by the loss of thousands of jobs and tax-paying residents (from porn moving north). Oh well, at least Kink won’t have to pay for talent airfare from LA to SF anymore, maybe Peter can start another kinky porn site with the money he will save.

By: jeffmullen Wed, 30 Nov 2011 23:07:28 +0000 This was such a BS search for signatures. I am sure just about everybody in LA that went to a grocery store in the past couple of weeks had one of these guys come up and say, “Would you like to sign a petition to eliminate capital punishment?” I responded, “No I think people should die for certain crimes.” Then they would immediately say “I also have a petition to make condom use mandatory on adult film sets because AIDS is rampant in the adult movie business.” I almost broke this asshole’s neck but of course he was just a guy making his money. He did not know how off-base his claim was but that comes from AHF and their insane tactics and he was just an uniformed guy making ends meet. Then at the Hollywood Christmas parade a couple of days after one of these clones came up to me on Vine street with his petitions and I told him to ask James Bartholet (who was the parade announcer) for his autograph (James loves giving autographs). You should have seen the look on James’ face after he signed the anti-death petition without realizing what he was signing and then the dude asked him to sign the AIDS infested condom mandate. I thought James was going to puke in the guy’s face. It was a perfect way to end a lovely gap-filled parade. Can’t people just stay the fuck out of other people’s business? I guess not.

By: richard373 Wed, 30 Nov 2011 22:30:39 +0000 Does suprise me AHF doing this they have one goal mind make porn so costly hard in porn vally drive out Ca . If people L.A. County vote on mandatory condom for porn. Than you well see one biggiest nails in La porn seen coffen driven in. Only people happy about gone be Brazzer becuase there gone buy out all porn companys that gone go under becuase they do want use condoms make porn. Porn vally days are number only matter time before gone for good in Ca. Soon as government oversight takes hold porn so long US made porn hello porn made buy Brazzer out side US oversight package under playboy wicked any other porn companys they have there hooks in to. Forget sooner or later happen right now.
