Comments on: Chauntelle Tibbals Not A Thief The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Thu, 06 Jul 2023 09:01:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kelli Tue, 20 Jun 2017 19:11:17 +0000 Hon, I’ve been in this business long enough to know that when someone is that obsessive about a subject matter, they have a vested interest. #JustSayin’

By: RebaRocket Tue, 20 Jun 2017 19:09:53 +0000 Yes, Kelli – I speak on behalf of people who care about responsible journalism, truth, and fairness. I speak on behalf of people who don’t just read something, and take your word for it. I speak on behalf of people who are not interested in getting in the dirt with you, but are laughing at you and Mike, privately, behind the scenes, knowing that (as I have now learned), trying to have a conversation about the importance of something will lead to you digressing into childish responses. I speak on behalf of Chauntel, who has the class to not dignify this entire matter with any sort of response.

The real questions is, why aren’t YOU “bitching” about someone posting pure, unadulterated lies about a well-respected journalist? Why don’t YOU seem care about the credibility of this site? Why doesn’t truth seem to be important to you? Maybe, instead of trying to keep up with my valid points with rhetoric, you could reflect, and see if you might have missed the entire point of my (and Collin’s) comments.

To 33 Fucks (since you don’t even have the balls to post your real name), I’m not “butt hurt.” I’m defending the truth, where nothing but lies had been posted. If you’d bother to read all the comments, you’d not need to ask. 🙂

By: 33 fucks Tue, 20 Jun 2017 19:08:32 +0000 Who da fuck is RebaRocket and why she so butt hurt about what someone said about Chauntel Tibbals?

By: RebaRocket Tue, 20 Jun 2017 19:07:46 +0000 Yes, Kelli – I speak on behalf of people who care about responsible journalism, truth, and fairness. I speak on behalf of people who don’t just read something, and take your word for it. I speak on behalf of people who are not interested in getting in the dirt with you, but are laughing at you and Mike, privately, behind the scenes, knowing that (as I have now learned), trying to have a conversation about the importance of something will lead to you digressing into childish responses. I speak on behalf of Chauntel, who has the class to not dignify this entire matter with any sort of response.

The real questions is, why aren’t YOU “bitching” about someone posting pure, unadulterated lies about a well-respected journalist? Why don’t YOU seem care about the credibility of this site? Why doesn’t truth seem to be important to you? Maybe, instead of trying to keep up with my valid points with rhetoric, you could reflect, and see if you might have missed the entire point of my (and Collin’s) comments.

By: Kelli Tue, 20 Jun 2017 19:00:51 +0000 “our respect”?? Who are you speaking of? The only person I see here bitching is you. Do you speak on behalf of some group of people that I’m unaware of?

By: RebaRocket Tue, 20 Jun 2017 18:22:02 +0000 Here, Kelli, let me help you out:

Chauntel actually says, “Sadly though, without media access (which I had)….” See the “which I had” section? She is clearly saying she HAD MEDIA ACCESS! The fact that you’re implying that was poorly written is laughable. In fact, you state in your last comment, “Had I read the same story Mike did…,” which implies you haven’t even read it! Maybe you should, before you defend Mike’s action so vehemently.

By: RebaRocket Tue, 20 Jun 2017 18:12:03 +0000 Congratulations, Keli – you haven’t just lost your credibility, now you’ve lost our respect. This has nothing to do with friendship. Once again, you are making assumptions and accusations, with nothing to back up your claims. This has everything to do with Mike irresponsibly attacking someone.

It’s not Chauntel’s fault you two are incapable of accurately reading. She clearly states only media can get a legitimate copy, and that she is media. NOWHERE does she imply she stole anything. You might be able to fool yourself, but the rest of us aren’t buying it.

By: Kelli Tue, 20 Jun 2017 03:12:13 +0000 Had I read the same story that Mike did, rest assured I would have said the exact same thing. It was poorly worded and implied she actually stole a copy of the movie.

Turns out that wasn’t the case, however on first read, it does appear that way. Get over yourself already. We get it, your little friend got her feelings hurt and you have to defend her. Good for you.

I’ll tell you a little secret in life … if you don’t want to run the risk of people attacking you, don’t put yourself out there.

By: RebaRocket Mon, 19 Jun 2017 14:37:16 +0000 Kelli, I don’t know if you’re intentionally deflecting, or being ironic. Mike called Chauntel a hypocrite, a thief, and a liar. It sure seems like you’re trying to excuse that by pointing out his passion against piracy. Your lack of compassion and understanding or any sort of defense of Chauntel is shameful, and your credibility has been shattered by your comments on this entire matter.

By: Kelli Mon, 19 Jun 2017 04:54:31 +0000 I’m not saying it’s okay to flat out libel someone. I just meant that sometimes passion can sometimes cause a blogger to react and writing about how they feel is their platform.

Sometimes they are wrong as in the case of calling some guy a member of the mob. But that’s not really an emotional reaction. That’s a personal attack, said with malicious intent with the sole purpose to hurt the person in question.

In this case, Mike was passionate about piracy and something he read wrong in the story made him think that girl was guilty of piracy. He admitted he read the article wrong and apologized.

I think about this porn star named Bobbi Dylan. There is a blogger out there telling people (and writing about) how Bobbi Dylan is actually a tranny (she is not – she was born a female). He’s writing things like how she is going through gender transformation surgery. That’s a blatant hurtful thing that could very well hurt her career. That’s libel and as a result, the blogger should be punished.

But to say that what Mike South said, in defense of porn piracy is the same in comparison is flat out crazy. Mike South said what he did because he was defending the entire industry as a whole. His actions were based on true and genuine concern, not out of hateful malice and I think that makes the difference.

Maybe I’m wrong. But that’s my opinion on the matter.
