Comments on: Cal OSHA to Have Comprehensive Bloodborne Pathogens Standard For Adult The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Sat, 08 Jul 2023 08:13:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Nick East Fri, 19 Jul 2013 20:48:00 +0000 We’ve come a long way, eh? When AHF started with the Measure B business, there were exactly TWO people saying HELL YEAH!!! Myself and Aurora Snow! That was IT!!!!! Haz/mat suit bullshit and performers marching in the streets declaring their right to die so that their employers could make more money were making my head spin while Fattorosi tried to teach them how to further help their masters cause! There was ABSOLUTELY NOBODY ELSE who even REMOTELY agreed with me back then! Now, let me state for the record that where there is bullshit lies being spouted by lying liars (“As we all know, HIV is a manageable disease”-Julie Meadows), I WILL BE THERE TO SHUT THEM THE EFF UP! Before someone starts blowing smoke up the present performers asses, they will have no choice but to wonder how long it will take for me to destroy their statements and show them for the asshats that they are (Kernes, I’m looking at you)!! Diane Duke, you have covered up multiple HIV cases and try to paint the industry as a soft warm place where as a child people could hide (Axel Rose) and how we film in our EFFING BEDROOMS with love and respect for one and for all! You are a lying liar, Diane! Marci? Have any other male talent refused to have sex with you since I turned you down (and what did you do to Chet?) I know Chasey refused to have sex with Steve, and look what happened to her!! Now where are the Vivid cheerleaders, Marci and Steve? Where are they? Since I’m now telling the truth about the way Vivid treats their performers the cheerleaders have dried up faster than Andretti could ever drive. The pen is definitely sharper than the sword, and I will wield my pen against lying liars every day I have breath! That is all.

By: jilted Fri, 19 Jul 2013 17:09:17 +0000 Cal-OSHA cannot adopt any standard that is less restrictive than the Federal OSHA standard. The Federal OSHA standards cannot be
. The FSC knows this, yet they continue to tell the porn industry that they are going to be able to change the OSHA regulations.And OSHA cannot mandate pre-employment std screening, which the FSC maintains is equal to barrier protection.

Testing will never replace barriers, simply because OSHA does not have the authority to require pre-employment testing.OSHA only regulates the employee/employer relationship. Testing done BEFORE you are an employee cannot be regulated by OSHA.

By: ScorchingImages Fri, 19 Jul 2013 16:53:02 +0000 RT @MikeSouth1226: Cal OSHA to Have Comprehensive Bloodborne Pathogens Standard For Adult

By: MikeSouth1226 Fri, 19 Jul 2013 16:38:11 +0000 Cal OSHA to Have Comprehensive Bloodborne Pathogens Standard For Adult
