Comments on: An Update On the Letter From Peter The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Tue, 11 Jul 2023 11:11:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: richard373 Fri, 10 May 2013 03:56:19 +0000 I Take Back What I Said About Alex Chance, I Guess

I’ll go into more details later, but I got this email letter from a law firm representing Alex Chance. In a polite, diplomatic way, mind you, they said they wanted me to write a retraction about Alex Chance. Okay, I would do that if I knew what I was supposed to be retracting.

Here’s the facts. It came to my attention that a letter was going out where a purported John accused Chance of giving him syphilis and herpes, that the alleged incident occurred at the Hotel Roosevelt last year. Never once did I say that Chance had syphilis.

I made the contents of the letter known because this letter has been spreading like wildfire around the industry. After that letter was made public, it’s now coming to my attention that someone may have had an ulterior motive in getting this letter out. And it’s not the AHF.

It seemed like everyone knew about this letter except me. If I didn’t talk about it, someone else would have. That’s how it works.

The only question I posed, was, if this story were true, could Chance have possibly worked with Mr. Marcus? Lo and behold. She did.

Chance worked with Marcus last year in a scene for a Jules Jordan movie titled Racially Motivated 4. I don’t know. Call me irresponsible, but didn’t due diligence necessitate looking to see if there might be a connection?

After all, we learned that Lylith Lavey worked with Mr. Marcus on a Bang Bros. set and that information allowed the industry to take proper precautions. So, if Chance is asked to take a syphilis test because she worked with someone who had syphilis, how is that a bad thing?

Then I found out, via Shy Love, that Chance worked for an escort service, The Luxury Companion. Should I repeat that? Chance worked for an escort agency. The “John” letter stated it, and Shy Love confirmed it.

Well, now, this presents a different wrinkle entirely. There’s an admission from Love, Chance’s agent, that Chance did work as an escort, and I’ve got the tape of Love saying this. Love, of course, is also saying that Chance was taken off the site because she wasn’t making TLC any money. So, is that my problem? Chance flunked out as a hooker.

Now, all of a sudden you have an admitted escort, and you have a woman who worked with Mr. Marcus. Let’s see if I got this right. Lara Roxx was a Canadian escort, and she worked with Darren James. You know how that went.

Until a couple of days ago, I only knew that Alex Chance was repped by Erika Icon. Nothing else. I harbor no ill will against Alex Chance. But no where, no where, no where did I ever say Alex Chance had syphilis. I’ve been doing this 45 years. I’m not that stupid.

I’ve forwarded her attorney’s letter to Sacramento, and if the state wants to get involved because Love broke about 20,000 laws discussing Chance’s medical condition in a public forum, that’s not my problem, either.

By: richard373 Wed, 08 May 2013 16:50:18 +0000 From how thing can get much worst file.

Thoughts Over The Morning’s Coffee: Hell is Coming to Breakfast and You Can Thank Shy Love

I don’t know how many of you remember The Honeymooners, one of the great all-time TV series. There was always a moment when Jackie Gleason as bus driver Ralph Kramden gets hissed off at his wife Alice [Audrey Meadows] and would bellow, ‘You’ve got a big mouth, Alice….a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig mouth.”

Which brings me to the subject of Shy Love, who’s got a big mouth. A big mouth to match her big teeth. I can’t tell you how many times over the years Shy Love has called threatening me with “legal repercussions.”

Love did it again yesterday only this time she stuck her big foot in between her big teeth. If Love wants to deny making any of the comments she made, she’s welcome. Except one thing I learned from all my years running AVN, performers will use the “I was misquoted” gimmick. That’s when I got into the habit of recording such conversations.

In the course of said conversation, Love began discussing the medical blotter of performer Alex Chance whose name gets dragged into this because some John sent a letter to AHF alleging that he got syphilis from Chance in an escort encounter at The Roosevelt Hotel last year.

Love, by the way, admits that Chance was an escort. And since Chance is on Love’s talent roster, one might draw the conclusion that Love is a pimp.

No matter. People I know, who know people in Sacramento, saw this whole drama unfold. Shy, in that phone conversation, like some little schoolyard snitch, told me she was telling Diane Duke on me. Wow. That’s okay. I just told Sacramento. Stick that in your big mouth with your terroristic phone threats.

Another AB 332 vote is coming up today. And the way I see it, from some exchanges I got Tuesday night, Love is the straw man now in the AB 332 issue. Why? Because she’s got a biiiiiiiiiig mouth.

I could paraphrase, but I will submit the findings that have been sent to me. If you have the patience to wade through the language, it’s simply saying hell’s coming to breakfast for the adult industry and you can blame Shy Love for it.

Here’s what I got from the horse’s mouth which is how Shy Love was described in her performing days, by the way. All the following is an email that was sent to me. None of the following are my words:

“Just a few little paragraphs from the law book.

‘All record owners shall develop and implement policies, standard, and
procedures to protect the confidentiality and security of the medical
records. Employees of record owners shall be trained in these policies,
standards, and procedures.’

‘Records owners are responsible for maintaining a record of all disclosures of information contained in the medical record to a third party,INCLUDING the purpose of the disclosure request. The record of disclosure may be retained in the medical record. The third party to whom the information is disclosed is prohibited from further disclosure of any information in the medical record without the express written consent of the patient, or the patients legal representative.’

‘The Attorney General is authorized to enforce the provisions of this
section for records owners not otherwise by the state, through injunctive relief and fines not to exceed $5000, PER VIOLATION.’ [Ouch.]

“So what do these three little paragraphs mean for a few people in the adult industry? And there are many more paragraphs, but you get the drift.

“First, the multiple violations by agents, producers, and possibly APHSS
will be enough to bankrupt what is left of the industry.

“Shy Love has been talking about confidential medical information about an individual. It is no secret that employers, and agents in the adult
industry receive confidential medical information from some employees, that are actors. The industry will claim that this access is legal and for a good cause, and they might be right. And that’s the problem. It now makes them ‘Records Owners.’

“Why do I not think Shy Love has copies of all those written authorizations for every single disclosure of information, AND, the reason for that disclosure. To all the agents, producers, directors, FSC, whoever, immediately go to Best Buy and get the best paper shredder you can find.

“Every single one of you reading this knows you come no place close to being in compliance with this, and the AHF just got a whiff of this yesterday.

“Of course it will be pretty hard for any agent to say under oath that they never accessed or forwarded any medical information.

“The climate has changed a bit lately. The industry has been given a pass on these types of regulations for a long time. Proper authorities just turned a blind eye, but there’s a new crop of politicians who aren’t.

“Wasn’t the Mr. Marcus thing discovered when a guy was preparing the paperwork to forward to someone else. I wonder if he documented that as a records owner. Wasn’t this guy directly quoted in some article right here. He’s going to wish he kept his trap shut.

“So here is the Catch 22. Either you are a legal records owner, and you
violated all of those statutes, or you aren’t a legal records owner, and
that just opens up a whole new can of worms. And when you start throwing around the legal relationship between a performer and the legal agent, dang does it get messy.

“It is going to be very hot in Porn Valley this summer. And don’t be so sure APHSS isnt going to take a hit. While they do not directly disclose specific medical information, they do disclose information
based on a patients medical record.

“The clinic gets written permission from the performer to forward info to APHSS. Is APHSS a ‘records owner’ will be a big question. There is no denying that APHSS is all about medical records, and they do disclose information about a person, based on that person’s medical record. So, if, actually when, APHSS is declared a records owner they too will be subject to the regulations mentioned above, and many more not specified here.”


So, the way I’m reading this, is that besides imminent fines presented by the breaking of AB 332, the state will be closely monitoring medical disclosure violations, and the money could really add up.

So getting back to the argument I made that the state is going to see all of this as a new revenue stream, remember, your own statistics are ultimately going to do you in.

After all, this is a multi-billion dollar a year porn industry that represents thousands and thousands of jobs. Thank you Diane Duke. You and Shy Love will have a lot to talk about in the unemployment line.

By: Jamie Gardner Wed, 08 May 2013 15:53:27 +0000 In reply to RiccoMarin.

If the story is true, the guy is a hypocrite. He is praising the “fight to bring mandatory condoms to the Porn Industry and yet he does not mention asking if he could use a condom. Whether he would have used a condom or not, the woman was getting paid either way. Even if a woman is alergic to latex condoms, they can use sheepskin condoms.

Even if AHF gets it’s way and forces porn companies to have mandatory condom use, this does not stop porn actresses from doing prostitution without using condoms being used. You don’t hear about AHF advocating the legalization of regulated prostitution. I now personally wonder if Measure B had failed to pass, that it would made a signicant difference in discouraging AHF. I do think porn piracy has contributed to more prostitution because less movies are being made.

By: RiccoMarin Wed, 08 May 2013 13:58:01 +0000 Shy Love is just another loud mouth ex-hooker. She talks a lot of shit.

By: richard373 Wed, 08 May 2013 05:39:58 +0000 Shy Love is talking about “legal repercussions”?

She appears to be speaking rather freely about confidential medical records
in very public forms, and naming the person she is talking about. HIPPA
regulations require a specific written release that includes directly who
will get the results, how they will get the results and what that person may do with the results.

“There is nothing in the industry protocols, written releases etc, that
allows an agent to publicly write anything about a performers confidential
medical test results.

“I highly doubt Ms Love has the proper authority to violate the HIPPA rights of this person, but I bet they will get to work real fast to fabricate something after the fact, seeing as how the California Board of Industrial Relations, HIPPA, OIG, and ATA have been notified of this.

“Good job Shy, you just added another nail to the coffin.”

By: Billy Wed, 08 May 2013 02:44:00 +0000 Mike’s right. These girls are just prostitutes. Porn for most of them is just a way to stay relevant and keep their hooker rates up.

By: RiccoMarin Wed, 08 May 2013 02:12:36 +0000 Wonder how much Shy and Derrick would get in a Federal sex trafficking charge it case?

By: RiccoMarin Tue, 07 May 2013 23:59:56 +0000 OK. Will send Nick to do that!

By: Nick East Tue, 07 May 2013 23:33:52 +0000 In reply to jilted.

Uh, lets not forget that in order to keep a squeeky clean std report (like I mentioned in another comment), people simply go to Dr. Riggs who is their REAL doctor! Look at her medical records there, and you’ll find a much more accurate history of her STD’s since she’s been in the industry.

By: jilted Tue, 07 May 2013 23:24:36 +0000 In reply to jilted.

Anyone else find it curious that Shy would know the names of the Johns on TLC. Is she affiliated with this prositution ring?
