Comments on: All That Jazz The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Fri, 15 Apr 2011 02:08:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: MikeSouth Fri, 15 Apr 2011 02:08:55 +0000 Oh and for the record it was a Hulu add on House that made me look at and then buy my new android phone. So ya Id say Hulu works for advertisers.

By: MikeSouth Fri, 15 Apr 2011 02:07:36 +0000 Heres what I do….I cancelled cable all together

I watch Hulu for the TV shows I like….and hey its free

I have netflix at 8 bucks a month for the movies.

Beats 50-100 bucks for cable and Theres nothing I like that isnt on one or the other

I watch them on my HDTV in HD through my Playstation 3 I LOVE it.

and i like hulu better than live TV because I watch when I want to.

By: Goddess Fri, 15 Apr 2011 01:34:34 +0000 Damn it, Tvshooter, you just shot my hopes all to hell! Thanks, btw, I never knew who owned Hulu. I thought it was a private company.

By: Tvshooter Thu, 14 Apr 2011 13:27:35 +0000 Hulu is owned by a consortium of the Tv networks and studios. NBC, Fox, ABC…you won’t see Netflix or anyone getting first run TV shows.

By: Goddess Wed, 13 Apr 2011 00:27:42 +0000 My only bitch about Netflix is that they don’t have the tv rights to so many of the current shows, like Hulu does. I want to watch this stuff NOW, not when it comes out on DVD six months from now, but I don’t want to pay another $7.99 to do it.

By: Hunter Sun, 10 Apr 2011 20:30:05 +0000 “… a lot of long legged women looking good.”

Now THAT got my attention, Flyboy. Putting it in the queue now. Oh, and Netflix has completely replaced satellite and cable for us. Best thing about it is the narcissistic factor. It all revolves around ME. I watch what I want, when I want, pause it (no waiting for a commercial to fix that next drink), keep it as long as I want, then return it and and in some cases deny I ever watched it.

By: OhioFlyboy Sat, 09 Apr 2011 12:11:52 +0000 I agree with Mike, a great film, lots of quietly delivered messages about the challenges of life and of health issues. Besides there’s a lot of long legged women looking good.

By: terriredor Fri, 08 Apr 2011 08:45:00 +0000 Amen, brother.

And Amen to Netflix.

Madmen coming in June. Doctor Who already here.

