Lionsgate Releases New Production Safety Guidelines Post Covid-19

Lionsgate and other major mainstream studios are looking forward to the future and going back to work. That means coming up with new production safety guidelines.

You can read the full Lionsgate-New-Safety-Guidelines by clicking here.


  • NO VISITORS: Absolutely no personnel is permitted on set, the production office, any stages, or construction mills that does not need to be there. Only essential cast and crew will be allowed on the premises.
  • Maintain 6 feet apart unless absolutely necessary.
  • Avoid any unnecessary physical contact and touching your face.
  • Increase physical space between cast and crew members. No crew member should be near cast, unless they are part of the Hair, Makeup, Sound, or Wardrobe Departments. All should be masked and gloved when near talent.
  • See the POD system outlined within this document. This system will help to limit crew interaction and overall size.


  • Sanitation Stations: Hand sanitizer should be visible & available in all areas of set, production office, and stages.
  • Cast and crew should also be required to frequently wash their hands with soap and water.
  • Provide disposable, disinfecting wipes so that commonly used surfaces can be wiped down before each use.
  • Provide gloves, and respiratory protection (e.g. masks) for cast/crew to wear, when not on camera.
  • Individually wrapped Catering and Craft Service.
  • A cleaning service should be engaged to clean the production office, mill, stages daily.
  • Sets, props, wardrobe, workstations, and other commonly touched items should be disinfected frequently.


  • If you’re feeling sick with fever, cough, or difficulty breathing, stay home, and immediately inform your supervisor.
  • No admittance for symptoms of respiratory illness, including fever or cough.
  • Conduct health/body temperature checks of cast/crew and anyone entering set, office, etc.
  • Increase health personnel to monitor, test, and keep awareness high.
  • Video village is for certain crew only, all 6 feet apart. It should be cordoned off from any non-essential personnel.


  • Both the Company and its Production staff need to continue to focus on what is the current necessity for cast/crew safety & comfort, rather than any former customs/practices.
  • We are entering into a new era in film production in which flexibility and compassion need to be in the forefront of everything from development through delivery

Thanks, Erotic Scribes for tipping us off about this.


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Lionsgate Releases New Production Safety Guidelines Post Covid-19

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