Comments on: Karma Rx Cleans Up During Covid-19 Lockdown With New Line of Soaps @karma_rx The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Sat, 08 Jul 2023 12:59:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: billyboy Sun, 20 Sep 2020 07:25:43 +0000 Congrats Karma RX on your business. 100% ordering some of your super cool soaps. Happy to see you on Mike South and delighted you are doing well, big fan of yours

By: Skeet Jizzle Thu, 17 Sep 2020 07:58:41 +0000 Met her a few times in random passing in South FLA . She is a hot one with pretty feet. Dont let the tats scare you she is very nice. Has her opinions and lets them known but honest and a charmer. She ought to be winning more nominations though. Bombass performer

By: I am The Man from Nantucket Thu, 17 Sep 2020 07:54:13 +0000 Always Admired KarmaRX. She always been super nice when she comes across fans. Much respect and Love. Wish you the best with your product line. Bless you

By: Mr Horse Kak Thu, 17 Sep 2020 03:21:37 +0000 Karma_RX does not need help, I am sure if it was genuine assistance with something helpful then yes. She is Bad Ass. Cant wait to see when Brazzers does the right thing and put her in a contract. Lets have some variety. That girl is sexy as hell. Something about her that’s special

By: Tyranny Jackson Thu, 17 Sep 2020 00:43:35 +0000 Oh man love these soaps

By: trashytoaster Wed, 16 Sep 2020 21:21:09 +0000 An actual tweet by Karma_rx: “Remember how comforting it was living in a world where you still believed Hilary Clinton didn’t rape, torture, and eat kids? Man, those were good times… and then there was that video floating around on the dark web… #thetruthhurts”

If you truly want to support her, start by insisting she gets help.
