Comments on: Is it fraud or are you just trans-phobic? The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Mon, 10 Jul 2023 14:00:59 +0000 hourly 1 By: mharris127 Tue, 11 Jun 2019 02:27:02 +0000 I feel horrible that transgendered people have that issue. Whether it is a mental illness (IMO the most likely answer), some form of chromosomal defect or some other issue (medical scientists just don’t know) they were dealt a bad lot in life and I feel for them. However, I have to be honest about my bipolar disorder to women that I date, at least before fucking them. So do transgendered people about their mental illness. This is a moral imperative.

Regarding transgendered people, I hope we as a society can find something to help them assimilate into society other than having their dicks and balls cut off or their cunts filleted. That sounds barbaric, for most mental illnesses we have medications that (most of the time) greatly help, I hope some sort of medication comes up that can help transgendered people as well. Hell, even electroshock therapy (which is not the same as what we had in the 60’s, a person is now put under for the procedure and the main problem now is memory loss and loss of coordination, not pain and actually feeling the electrical shock) is more humane than cutting on their genitals, I wouldn’t wish either on them but getting my dick cut off sounds like the ultimate in painful torture, not a reasonable treatment for mental illness!!!!!!!!!! I think even the most liberal people have to agree that cutting on genitals is a horrible way to deal with those that were “born the wrong gender”. Certainly they should not be discriminated against as long as they can do the job or function in society appropriately, including being honest to their sexual partners about their mental illness. Just because a man dresses in drag doesn’t mean he cannot do most jobs.

By: joeschmoe Mon, 10 Jun 2019 20:01:32 +0000 Pardon the auto corrects on my phone 🙂

By: joeschmoe Mon, 10 Jun 2019 20:00:49 +0000 A trans woman who is not telling their partner they have a penis or that they are post op , is not doing it for some “ we are equal sjw cause “. They are wanting affection from that person and are holding it back . Either that or they just want to deceive people .

Teams women are equal but your partner has the right to chose if they want to have sex with you .

I have dates trans women before and I am pretty sure the only ones who don’t tell their partners have an agenda or something. It’s not because they feel it is right

By: Karmafan Mon, 10 Jun 2019 18:57:42 +0000 Not telling a partner you are transgender is a good way to get tossed a beating. Not everyone is understanding.

By: mharris127 Mon, 10 Jun 2019 17:14:07 +0000 I think people must be completely honest about their gender and sexual history with a potential sexual partner, period! That also applies to any VDs the person may have now or recently had (with HIV/AIDS they must always tell before initiating sexual activity and if they do not the punishment should be the death penalty, with lesser VDs the penalty should be some sort of misdemeanor charge).
