Comments on: Delusional Former porn star Fayth Deluca comes forward with crazy story about Joe Biden and George Soros raped her The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Wed, 05 Jul 2023 11:32:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: FeMiNem Fri, 16 Jul 2021 23:06:48 +0000 Consider this. Madison Marquette is the STRAW MAN.? Notice how her inconsistencies and her stories have so many holes in them it is respectively laughable.?
It seems that Madyson Marquette has been created.. to eventually be torn down. Her following will be disillusioned. That’s what they like. The narratives that she has attached herself to.. child trafficking etc on a conscious or unconscious level well also be disillusioned. This is probably the plan all along. ?

By: Fisher Fri, 16 Jul 2021 12:59:59 +0000 WTF man? This chick needs to be committed

By: FeMiNem Fri, 16 Jul 2021 07:52:36 +0000 Up there on my post where it has a question mark – I actually was putting an emoji of a flower; but it comes out as a question mark. So it might look a little odd. Thank you

By: FeMiNem Fri, 16 Jul 2021 07:49:29 +0000 ?Thank you for your article. Heard her on a podcast and she did not ring right to me. I checked on one fact and it turned out to be inconsistent, and just kept on going down the rabbit hole.
Your Article is excellent. Thank you so much. A couple things to add to your story. And it is a great article. Very very good. ? The little things I found were small. However significant. About a month ago Madyson Marquette on her Facebook posted a picture of herself on a zoom call supposedly having a picture of herself being sworn in as a Washington state attorney. ?
With one phone call to the Washington State Bar all three of her names, Madyson Marquette, Madyson Hendricks, and Stacey Dawn Williams, along with the names that you mentioned – not recognized as her being a licensed attorney for the state of Washington. ?
Also, none of those names listed above are not on the list of people who passed the recent Washington State Bar.?
In looking at several videos she actually said she has been to hundreds of tribunals. In one video she said over 100. But in at least two videos she said hundreds. So hundreds is plural -which would be at least 200 tribunals. ?
So to sum it up Madyson Marquette in her own words said she is in the apprenticeship program at Washington State to substitute for the JD of which she does not have. That is 32 hours of week for (4 )years according to the Washington State Bar requirements and rules.?
?So in the last few years she has been in an apprenticeship program of 32 hours a week plus homework – for (4)years. Attended 200 tribunals and (is this 200 different witnesses?) She is a single mom of two children. Her words. These are all her words. She has been trained by retired Navy seals and given a team to do extractions. She also is suing people.?
Also a real simple question to her would be does she have a BA and when did she get it and where. She has never spoken of it. You have to have a BA in order to take the Washington State bar. ??
Madyson Marquette contradicts herself in her own posts, her own podcasts and her own words. She has a post where she has a picture of herself that she started school in 2019 in Colorado which contradicts her for (4) apprenticeship program. Again all her own words?
I wrote a synopsis of the above plus other inconsistencies if it calls to anyone. It is a pinned post for the public on Facebook Pamela Lynne.??
Thank you for your article. It seems to be much needed. The public seems to be emotionally hypnotized and some good hard logic is a refreshing gift.???
