Comments on: Who is the “hooker” going after Charlie Sheen? EXCLUSIVE!!! The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Tue, 11 Jul 2023 07:07:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: joeschmoe Thu, 10 May 2018 06:03:24 +0000 Charlie banged a lot of porn girls, trans porn girls, and so no name would be a surprise.

The quibble here is if Charlie told her. From all the news in the past, it did seem he didn’t tell anyone that he had HIV . He apparently was on meds so it was a very low likelihood he transmitted, but if it can be proven that he didn’t tell her, she could get some money out of it for sure. It is also a crime in some places to have sex with someone and not tell them you have HIV.

This would could get messy or lead to a quiet settlement as Charlie has done with a lot of people.

Guy must have the record for most money spent on hookers, and settlements with hookers, in a lifetime. He paid some obscene amounts of money for people to party with him, and allegedly he was having people over pretty much every weekend. It’s amazing he still has money at all.
