Comments on: Former Porn Star Robert Baker (aka Rob) Now Facing Death Penalty for MURDER! The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Tue, 04 Jul 2023 07:17:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: Update on former former porn star Rob Baker's murder trial - Mike South Thu, 06 Sep 2018 19:40:53 +0000 […] is just a quick update on the murder trial of former porn star Rob Baker. He is no going to face capital murder charges, as well as conspiracy to commit murder. The grand […]

By: spawn777 Sat, 01 Jul 2017 11:20:08 +0000 The case, as it is presented by this article does sound airtight. Nevertheless, it would be a lot more befitting a news site, even a porn one, if you sprinkled a couple “allegedly”s in there until he’s convicted. Read the article again as someone complete new to the material, and you sound like the guy had already been convicted before the reader gets to the part saying they JUST charged him.

Additionally, there is no excuse for not discovering that he is a sex offender, 35 hooking up with a 15-16 year, especially if she’s 16-going-on-22, can easily be within the range of illegally-wrong-but-not-sick. It’s one thing if she’s a true innocent who is manipulated and exploited. It’s another if it’s a man hooking up with a girl who carries herself as a woman. It’s still illegal and wrong, but calling the guy a pedophile might overstate his evil intentions and desires.

By: lastnot Sun, 25 Jun 2017 12:03:56 +0000 I remember this dude. I worked at PHE while Carmen was under contract. Mike was instrumental in getting – and keeping – her that contract, among other things.

At that time, I do not remember PHE or any other Adult company cross-checking performers or other employees against the Sex Offender Registry, but I certainly hope that is common practice now. It doesn’t cost any money.

This is nightmare PR for the porn industry. A terrible, sloppy and stupid crime fed by greed. I never would have guessed Rob Baker to be a sex offender and a murderer. Background checks, people.

By: Lets Talk About DeeRob - Mike South Fri, 23 Jun 2017 05:04:33 +0000 […] story came across my google alerts several days ago and the truth is I couldn’t believe […]

By: mharris127 Wed, 21 Jun 2017 19:18:53 +0000 Nantucket, I will put in my two cents on this one. If the guy penetrated the kid he molested (or any other genital contact with him/her) he should have been tortured and executed in 1993, period. Unfortunately California only has a de jure (legal) death penalty and not de facto (factual) but maybe this guy and his greedy girlfriend will be sent to prison to get the “five bubba” treatment they so deserve and short of immediate torture and execution the guy deserved since at least 1993. I wonder how big the dick is on the leader of the Twin Towers Jail “five bubba club”. I hope it is 18 inches and has the circumference of a Coke can — and the guy shoves it down the child molester’s throat and up his ass as far as he possibly can. No, I don’t want video of that act — it might make me puke.

By: Kelli Wed, 21 Jun 2017 13:16:03 +0000 You are correct. It is not b/g it was actually all her original anal scenes. Updated the article to reflect that now. <3

By: I am The Man from Nantucket Wed, 21 Jun 2017 00:38:46 +0000 Errr Hells Bells . The author of the article here also stated
“he was convicted of lewd and lascivious contact with a minor and was even a registered sex offender” and is a Pedophile.
Not to nitpick here butttttt He cold blooded murdered someone premeditated who cares who his wife or ex wife worked with. Dee should be glad her ex never took out a life insurance policy on her.

No self defense arguments expected this time or a crime of passion spin doctoring argument at trial, if he even makes it that far to the end of a trial being a convicted child molester. Well I guess the passion was for 1.6 Million dollars or was it 1.5 Million life insurance split as planned planned.

Well wonder how this will play out in county jail ? with trial and all looking like it will be quit some time down the road with a third suspect and all on the loose. He should make it to prison after sentencing I guess.
Nice article I believe. Good job

I hear child molesters don’t do so well where he is apparently headed never mind where he is now.
Be interesting to see what “Mharris” has to say about all this.

By: schlermy Wed, 21 Jun 2017 00:19:52 +0000 Kelli wrote: “She did all her original b/g scenes with him and him alone” Well, not to nitpick but Dee started out around 1997 and one of her first scenes was in “More Dirty Debutantes #70” where she had sex with both Ed Powers and Jake Steed(who’s also missing in action, great industry, huh?). Moreso, in her beginning years she had sex with many of the male pornstars of the time like Dave Hardman, Mr. Marcus, Ron Jeremy, Tom Byron, Peter North, Byron Long, Jack Napier, Sledge Hammer(RIP), and him and him and him.

By: Tyranny Jackson Tue, 20 Jun 2017 20:48:25 +0000 DAMMMMMMMMMMMMNNNNNNNNNNNNN. Don’t know what is more shocking, the story itself or the comment by 33 fucks.

By: 33 fucks Tue, 20 Jun 2017 19:06:54 +0000 Heard about this shit on the news. Didn’t realize he was a former porn dude though. You know what’s funny as fuck? Wicked cast him in a movie called SEX OFFENDERS.

I shit you not, look it up. Just a few years after becoming a convicted sex offender, wicked fucking cast him in a movie called sex offenders.
