Comments on: More 2257 Thoughts The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Fri, 07 Jul 2023 11:32:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: MikeSouth Wed, 24 Oct 2007 06:01:07 +0000 actually the first one is an interesting observation and I have a theory on it

our industry has recently had 3 favorable and one unfavorable ruling

all three favorable rulings were in conservative courts…on in PA one in TX one in OH

the unfavorable ruling was in Denver, a liberl court

I suspect when you get right to it it makes sense, and it explains why those thought to be the most conservative supreme court judges often are in the end first amendment proponents. Conservative judges are far more likely to be strict constitutionalists while liberal judges are more likely to try to re-interpret the constitution to fit the current whims of society.

as for your second point yes the magazine is out of business but it isnt the one you used to write for, this was the ohio and michigan connection magazines…small time local rags

By: Dirty Bob Wed, 24 Oct 2007 04:50:20 +0000 I find 2 things quite interesting:

1) That it happened in one of the most conservative cities in the country (in regards to local government VS adult): Cincinnati


2) The magazine Connexion closed, if I remember correctly, back in around 2002 or so (I remember because I wrote a column for that publication every issue for about 12 years).
