Comments on: Leigh Raven phony abuse CASE CLOSED: Just Dave and Rico Strong absolved as D.A. rejects case The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Tue, 04 Jul 2023 09:38:59 +0000 hourly 1 By: False Rape Accuser Leigh Raven #Cancelled by Porn's Urban X Awards - Mike South Sat, 17 Aug 2019 21:31:06 +0000 […] is of course the woman who falsely accused an African American male performer of rape on set for Black Payback in the spring of […]

By: mharris127 Tue, 11 Jun 2019 02:58:20 +0000 Re-reading this article I noticed that Leigh “Skankeldum” Raven was hanging from fishing hooks in one of the pictures. I am reluctant to shame her for that kink (to me if a person is into that and making a fully informed choice, so be it) but that sounds as barbaric as anything she accused Just Dave and Rico of doing on set that day (and to think that fish hook suspension scene was directed by Leigh’s own “husband”, it looks like it doesn’t have any moral ground to stand on with this one). Getting her skank job (her skanky prison tats) had to hurt pretty bad, too. She got her fucking face tatted for fuck’s sake! Maybe Facial Abuse and Just Dave’s and Duke Skywalker’s (I wonder if they are one and the same but that is for another day) related sites aren’t everyone’s cup of tea but Skankeldum doesn’t have the right to try to take that kink away from people in the industry and fans that do honestly enjoy rough, forced blow jobs and racial play.

As for Skankledee and Skankledum, does anyone know where they are originally from and their legal names (please DO NOT publish their legal names in a comment, get them to Kelli Roberts or assuming someone has contact information, Voice For Reason and let them deal with it)? I would love to find out how much time they did in prison to get the full-body prison tat skank jobs and what crimes they committed to do state time.

By: Hey Jezebel: Leigh Raven, Nikki Hearts & Riley Nixon still work with James Deen - Mike South Thu, 25 Oct 2018 18:53:04 +0000 […] we have previously addressed why Leigh Raven “ultimately decided against” suing, but this brings me to the crux of […]

By: Cosmo K. Mon, 25 Jun 2018 23:50:24 +0000 Just Dave is a horrible human but this girl is even worse. Jack the Zipper just gave her some kind of performer relations position in his new company. I’m sure she will turn on him too. This girl needs to be bounced out of the industry and never be allowed to return.

By: mharris127 Tue, 19 Jun 2018 18:05:15 +0000 I don’t think any porn producer in Los Angeles will work with Skankledee and Skankledum after this. I hope the police go after them for filing a false police report and that one of the Mike South reporters get pictures or video of them being cuffed, stuffed and sped off to the LA Women’s Central Jail. I know Leigh and Nikki are ugly as sin and complete skanks (and no one will be getting off to their arrest) but they deserve humiliation from this. They would also likely learn what rape really feels like in jail. I don’t think I wish rape on them for what they did, their offense isn’t being a terrorist, murder or rape after all but I am sure LA’s finest jail guard dicks would know how to punish them (even if it is with a broom handle as almost no one can get it up to these skanks) for being skanky and for filing a false police report designed to send two innocent people to San Quentin for the rest of their natural lives.

By: Karmafan Mon, 18 Jun 2018 21:13:26 +0000 She probably wanted to snag a big payday seeing as now very few porn producers are gonna work with her any more for fear of being the next Just Dave.
