Comments on: It’s over for Kelly Holland. Penthouse to be liquidated by the courts! The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Wed, 12 Jul 2023 12:21:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: mharris127 Wed, 23 May 2018 06:12:44 +0000 From what I can gather no one will get paid except the IRS. There aren’t any assets claimed and there are debts of about $50 million. The only reason the IRS could get paid is because many times majority owners of a private business are personally liable, Kelly Holland will likely have to pay out of her personal assets unless she followed every IRS regulation in a very thick stack of books in regards to Penthouse.

I wonder if the lawsuit profiled on this very site about 8-9 months ago was the straw that broke Penthouse’s back. No matter, if that plaintiff gets paid it will be from Kelly’s personal assets. We could see Kelly Holland escorting to pay her bills after this one (I hope she likes wearing handcuffs, a collar and a leash) before this is all over with. Kelly could pose for her now former competition Hustler wearing nothing but a straitjacket or in a hogtie, that could bring record sales for Larry Flynt and a few hundred thousand dollars for a now severely indebted Kelly. Larry, you might want to get right on that one! 🙂

By: Cosmo K. Wed, 23 May 2018 05:11:38 +0000 It sucks that people won’t be paid like talent, agencies, etc and she probably took a bunch of $ and hid it. I hope people she owes get paid somehow.

By: Voice For Reason Wed, 23 May 2018 00:02:47 +0000 Just another bad call among many for Helmy

By: Fisher Tue, 22 May 2018 22:49:52 +0000 How embarrassing this must be for xbiz who has been sucking up to Holland for the last two years, putting her on a pedestal.
