Comments on: Charles Harder, the attorney who brought down Gawker, files on behalf of Trump to move Stormy Daniels suit to federal court The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Sun, 09 Jul 2023 07:38:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: Karmafan Mon, 19 Mar 2018 11:31:54 +0000 She should have just taken the 130k and been happy. This isn’t gonna end well for her.

By: spawn777 Mon, 19 Mar 2018 07:37:15 +0000 Once again, Sam, report the news or write an opinion column, don’t do both. Also don’t use harsh adjectives in your lede to CRUDELY try to manipulate your audience. See what I did there?

By: Skeet Jizzle Sun, 18 Mar 2018 23:24:48 +0000 I saw this reversal of fate coming. What I did not think is it would be this quick. Stormy Daniels is so fucked.

This is Donald Trump you are fucking with Stormy. Really this brute hammers out the FBI Director and Deputy Director alike and then sounds off on blast patrol taking it to twitter against much bigger dignitaries than Stormy and her lawyers.
This is like a kindergarten play ground snatching candy from babies for Donald Trump.
Stormy is no match
TRUMP, just look at his name “TRUMP” ?. He is going to Trump all over her ass like a bulldozer. If not now soon and then again later just for good measure.

If this case ends up in a federal court as Trump’s lawyers filed a motion and I think it will be a favorable ruling for Trump, Stormy’s attorneys wont know exactly what to do because they are out of their league in a Federal court fight. The lawyers and all those who pressed Stormy to do this will stop answering Stormy’s phone calls and e E mails for a plea of help. She will panic and turn on those who told her to do this in the end.

She got 130K and she cashed the check and weather or not Mr Trump signed some agreement wont matter because the law clearly states the definition of “Intent” and “reasonable expectations” when she cashed the check the agreement was sealed. This is how a federal court will see it and this wont get a 9th circuit court of appeals overturn or a supreme court decision for an appeal reversal of a 20 million judgement as that is being sort after right now.

After a year or so everyone will forget and hopefully Stormy wont be on the news like Marilyn Chambers .

Hope not but again Trump does not forgive easily and holds a grudge forever, Just a .02 cents worth opinion.

Worse would be Trump crushed the entire porn Industry and befriends the AHF.
