Comments on: Bridget the Midget Released from Las Vegas Jail with Electronic Monitoring The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Mon, 08 Jan 2024 10:31:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: The Top 10 Words To Describe Midgets - Ruthless Reviews Mon, 08 Jan 2024 10:31:43 +0000 […] Unimprisonables—because, aren’t they? Like, think about […]

By: mharris127 Thu, 09 Jan 2020 02:40:11 +0000 XXX, do you happen to have any updates on Las Vegas’ favorite dope fiend lover of meth, Peruvian Nose Powder (R), heroin and PCP, otherwise known as Bridget the Midget? I am hoping she goes to prison for a long time if she is really guilty of what she was charged with. Breaking into someone’s house and stabbing him with what was reported as a butter knife in several October 20, 2019 articles (there is one type of butter knife that is more than sharp enough to stab someone with, I have several in my silverware drawer) is enough for attempted manslaughter in Michigan.

By: A Butter Knife and a Flying Grill: A Bridget 'The Midget' Powers Case Update - Mike South Wed, 02 Oct 2019 15:02:16 +0000 […] your butter knife because she is presently at liberty on low-level electronic monitoring after being released from jail, court records […]

By: mharris127 Sun, 22 Sep 2019 19:59:34 +0000 I can guarantee that the real Mike South doesn’t deal in meth. Someone could make a lot of money dealing meth in Chatsworth and Vegas, though. That dealer would have 50% of Porn Valley on his client list dealing meth, Peruvian Nose Powder (R), heroin and Percocet. I am sure certain porn people would appreciate a drug dealer moving to town, I bet they are sort of tired of having to drive to Compton to get their drugs.

By: Defer Payment Sun, 22 Sep 2019 16:47:47 +0000 Meth is a helluva drug. Mike South is the dealer of meth

By: mharris127 Fri, 20 Sep 2019 02:34:10 +0000 In Vegas that might be true. However, here in Michigan she would be going to prison (short of one hell of a plea bargain or a not guilty verdict at trial). This isn’t a simple assault, she was charged with assault with a deadly weapon. Admittedly, we don’t know if she actually stabbed him with the glass or if he fell on a broken window/glass. It isn’t likely that his injury was secondary to the assault, though, since she was charged with burglary using a deadly weapon as well. If she did actually assault him with the piece of glass, though, I hope she gets a few years in prison for it. OJ did nine years in Nevada prison for simply brandishing a weapon in a burglary (we would call that armed robbery in Michigan), Bridget the Midget (likely) actually stabbed someone — which would call for an increased sentence. OJ did not have a criminal record pre-robbery (he was acquitted of all murder charges involving his ex-wife and her gigolo). Even if they have to keep her in solitary for her whole sentence, she needs to be kept away from the public for a while. Preferably she would get put in general population and some gang banger chicks would punish her repeatedly (I doubt any guards could get it up to what looks like a very skanky first grader to “punish” her like most female inmates would be).

By: Karmafan Thu, 19 Sep 2019 23:53:46 +0000 Nah they will take into account her size and how hard it would be for her in prison and as long as she does not have an extensive rap sheet she will get probation, anger management classes,and pay a hefty fine.

By: mharris127 Thu, 19 Sep 2019 20:32:00 +0000 Sounds like Bridget the Midget is in serious trouble if they bothered to put her on electronic monitoring. I wonder what they will do with her if she is convicted and sent to prison — how are they going to protect someone the size of a six year old in big girl prison? If she really did stab someone in the leg with a piece of glass she is likely looking at serious prison time, they charged her with assault with a deadly weapon for fuck’s sake! Also, does anyone know if she has any prior convictions for anything serious? Folks, lay off of the heroin, cocaine and meth or this is what happens to you. I can’t say for sure but her face looks like she has one hell of a drug problem.
