Comments on: Laila Mickelwait goes after Pornhub The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Sat, 21 Oct 2023 09:17:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: b1234here Sat, 21 Oct 2023 09:17:07 +0000 More importantly, who are the whores in the picture. They are smoking hot.

By: I am The Man from Nantucket Tue, 17 Oct 2023 23:51:48 +0000 PornHub will emerge, I only see PH as a target for ambulance chasers. First thing producers look at before they book scenes is a performer’s PornHub stats. The FSC should be mounting a vigorous counter against said Ambulance chasers and tell them
Get the FuckOuttaHereee

PornHub is a vital part of the Industry. If they were not, no one would be trying for an illegitimate payday

By: 13 steps 2 the gallows Tue, 17 Oct 2023 23:37:04 +0000 Another held up on a crutch by the Christian evangelical morality police. Laila Mickelwait hears and sees what’s not truly there. Its like dementia is setting in. HERE COMES THE WHITE SAVIOUR INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX. If you don’t like porn, I highly recommend tweaking your browser settings.

By: Jizz Drizzle Tue, 17 Oct 2023 05:07:25 +0000 God Bless PornHub
Long Life PornHub. DIDOS and understood this porn news site and all that for having different authors with various opinions and point of views. PornHub provides a valuable and treasured platform to just about anyone. PH has liberated the Adult Industry. Liberated sex workers, elevated small producers to large scale productions.
IE: This man Owen Grey has made a hell of a name for himself,

Performers are no longer held locked up in fucked up long term and extended contracts, people like Matrix Models held young unsuspecting women like ants in an ant farm plastic sandbox for far too long. Just about any sex worker content creator can get on PornHub and brand themselves. PH is great and the adult industry should be grateful


By: Freexe Tue, 17 Oct 2023 04:39:45 +0000 The absolute inaccuracy of this article and wrongful blaming of
porbhub and “John’s” is a travesty to the truth that currently plagues and has crippled the once incredible and
great adult entertainment industry. It’s comparable to blaming Capitalism for poor people.

Pornhub and content platforms have liberated Sex Workers and Pornhub Stats contributes greatly to the adult film
workers and production companies who want to hire them. Porn viewers
on tube sites allow the production companies to understand which performers will have the greatest market value.

The only entities that robbed the sex workers of the industry of any grace, integrity, or dignity would be the actual “legal” PIMPS posing as “AGENTS ” that collect a % from the production companies, the females, and now all the males.

These PIMPS along with TTS have collectively crushed the income of every performer and production company.

When these PIMPS were able to take control over all the male performers they became able to charge production companies that have to already pay
for locations, flights, hotels, models, now extra charges for each man and woman
that is brought onto set.

On top of all that, TTS which used to be a good service, and PASS doubled down on testing by requiring production companies to pay for bi-monthly testing which turned into
weekly testing when the TTS PASS PIMPS had the brilliant idea of pandering and fawning over the lbgqtqialmnop+ community to allow
potential HIV Gay Barebacking males into the rest of the talent pool making every performer a bled out interchangable sex tool for pimps to rip off every way possible.

I thank God for pornhub, Only fans, and all these tube sites that help distance performers from these criminal enterprises that allow Sex workers the ability to safely get tested with their insurance for free, sell their bodies to John’s, and make videos without having to
give even a penny to greedy degenerate PIMPS posing as agents, or hundreds of dollars every week to a greedy medical company that is also pushing
performers to take Prep, a drug that erodes your actual bones and dissingrates your kidneys.

I find it very sad and unfortunate that Laila Mickelwait even dares to go after “Johns” in her article since it’s the “Johns” who are litterally the ones that pay for the sex work. Talk about biting off the hand that feeds
you. Without Johns there would be no sex industry. Maybe instead Laila, you should focus on encouraging sex workers to treat John’s better, produce higher quality content and work on themselves both physically and mentally instead of being pimped out to the point where their pussy’s start to smell like Vietmanese fish market on a hot Summer day with no electricity.
