Comments on: A Porno Comic The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Tue, 09 Feb 2010 20:22:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: MikeSouth Tue, 09 Feb 2010 20:22:34 +0000 “What many people don’t get is that successful, intelligent, porn actresses aren’t being exploited. They are doing the exploiting! They’re exploiting every guy, whether those guys are buying porn or throwing dollars on a strip club’s stage, in exchange for a few brief moments of having their (more than likely) never-to-be-fulfilled fantasies semi-indulged.”

and THAT is the cold hard truth of it.

By: goodwill Tue, 09 Feb 2010 20:21:15 +0000 Congratulations jimmyd, you’ve observed that porn actresses aren’t a the bottom of the hill the shit rolls down. Take another swing at addressing my point.

By: jimmyd Tue, 09 Feb 2010 19:32:11 +0000 What many people don’t get is that successful, intelligent, porn actresses aren’t being exploited. They are doing the exploiting! They’re exploiting every guy, whether those guys are buying porn or throwing dollars on a strip club’s stage, in exchange for a few brief moments of having their (more than likely) never-to-be-fulfilled fantasies semi-indulged.

By: goodwill Tue, 09 Feb 2010 18:25:01 +0000 I never said that you, or those like you, have a problem with Kayden wasting her intellect writing about Pee Wee Herman and posting quips on Twitter. What I said was that, periodically, you have to convince yourself that it does bother you. Even if it’s just a partial attempt by joking about it, you still get to smuggle out that nugget of “truth.”

There’s a lot of self-concept that comes with, is build up by, and gets revealed in the process of making the exploitation of someone else choosing to live up to less than her potential into one’s livlihood. Posts like this one are a way to relieve some of that pressure. It’s a way to find a “silver lining” within your souls, in effect – but without the level of clarity that might provoke actually having to forego doing the things that made the rest of it black.

By: MikeSouth Mon, 08 Feb 2010 22:44:49 +0000 Julie is right I just needed someone pretty, intelligent that is obsessed with twitter Kayden is the only one that comes to my mind or at least the first.

And Kayden…dont sweat the small stuff kid. People will always have different opinions not everyone is gonna love ya nor will everyone hate ya best you can do is tip the ledger a little in your favor.

By: kayden kross Mon, 08 Feb 2010 20:48:06 +0000 That man is not my friend. On my own blog I delete everything he writes. He finally went away. I’m sure he’ll come back now… but I’ll keep deleting him.. and he’ll go away and comment on me somewhere else again. Some things never change.

By: juliemeadows Mon, 08 Feb 2010 20:41:27 +0000 Well, I thought it was funny, too. In fact, you could put any picture of an attractive and bright person there and it’s just funny. Of course, Twitter still eludes me. 😛

By: MikeSouth Mon, 08 Feb 2010 18:30:58 +0000 Actually I did it for a laugh, and Kayden laughed as well, The irony and the characterization are funny, at least to both of us.

By: Hunter Mon, 08 Feb 2010 17:22:44 +0000 Julie. I think in his mind, he IS friends with Kayden. This guy probably sits around a computer downloading porn 8 or 10 hours a day. So, in a way, Kayden, and all the other actresses are his friends. Well, the closest things to friends he’ll ever have. That would explain his expressed hatred of the porn industry, while, I might add, he hangs out on a porn-related blog. Like the guy that curses the liqour store because he can’t stop sluggin down cheap whiskey.

By: juliemeadows Mon, 08 Feb 2010 16:15:34 +0000 Man, how can you just presume to know so much about this? Do you have any friends or a life? Are you human? This isn’t about the post. Your responses are cut out and pasted, borrowed from other people.

[insert intention here]-will, have you ever cared about someone and then been hurt? If you had and you had a blog you might write about it, right? You’re not getting the fine delicacies here that reflect active relationships and not “The Guy Putting The Woman Down”. I may be overstepping my boundaries here, and I don’t know what happened between Kayden and Mike, but if you’re defending her because you’re friends with her, then you should understand from the other side. Anger and love both reflect the attachment of feeling, a feeling that can usually go the other way with a simple, “I’m sorry.”

You don’t act human, man. I don’t trust a person who never asks questions and proposes to know everything. Grow a fucking heart, dude, and then try using it. You’ll find it is like anything that lives and breaths. It’s capable of incredible joy and incredible pain. And it’s almost impossible to control. I say this sweetly, get a life and live it. You might like it. 😀
