Tube Sites = Kmart Porn

The industry is currently up in arms regarding the proliferation of tube sites across the internet. They way I see it, ever time a new tube site launches, it’s the equivalent of a Kmart opening up in the shittiest part of town.

I could never get a hard-on to a 275 pound amateur single mother with lasagna belly fucking her kids black school bus driver. That type of “porn” simply isn’t for me. If you have female abandonment issues and get off watching your aunt Edna service a Puerto Rican soccer team, then the tube sites are the best place for you to be. Have a great time and enjoy yourself there because my product is simply not for you.

Do you get the point I’m trying to make here? There will always be a demand for Kmart quality merchandise by a certain percentage of the population. Let them fucking have it. However, I’m the type of guy who likes to take a special girl to Gucci on occasion and browse around the store while drinking champagne and buy her something as a reward for allowing me to heave on top of her for 3 minutes at a time 7 times a day.

I know there is a large majority of people out there like me who still appreciate the extraordinary beauty of a Kayden Kross and would gladly pay a premium price to see her perform in a professional quality scene. Don’t waste your time worrying about the Tube folks because they never bought your products to begin with and never will. Before the internet came along, they probably jerked off to Jenny Craig commercials or stole 14 hour long Leisure Time VHS comps from their local liquor mosque. Keep the prices at a premium for quality content and never de-value what you do for a living.

20530cookie-checkTube Sites = Kmart Porn

Tube Sites = Kmart Porn

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8 Responses

  1. For you to make those statements you haven’t been on tubes. The problem is piracy, when vivid’s Sunny loves Matt came out. A week later it was on tubes for free the whole thing. If you did some search you would probably find a whole bunch of kayden. I just went to one and there is a full scene of Jesse Jane on the front page. This is a real problem and when you have members of the industry itself buys ads on these sites. They are basically funding piracy. it sucks and it hurts the industry. What motivation is there to create a great piece of work when it will be given away without your permission to sell ads a week later.

  2. Right on Tony. Search for any contract star you like – you’ll find her on the tube sites. This isn’t Kmart part – it’s all the porn on the web, fed through tube sites hosted in countries where U.S. companies have a difficult and expensive time protecting their copyrights.

    Even if you go to Europe, it’s incredibly expensive and time-consuming to sue a pirate. How many companies have been able to brag about shutting down a tube or pirate site in Europe in the past year? Two or three have been able to get some money after the fact – and probably not as much as they lost to piracy.

    Terri Redor

  3. I know firsthand the effects of piracy and how it can severely impact a companies bottom line. I plan on writing about piracy in the days to come. My post today was about the overall quality of tube porn.

    There is an itchy trigger finger right now within all genres of entertainment to manipulate content as a result of the current market conditions. Anytime you do something like that, you run the risk of de-valuing your product and sending a negative message to your customers. That’s my opinion. Thanks for the comments.

  4. I think you need to be very careful to specify whether you are talking about legal content tube sites, or tube sites full of rip’d content. Two distintly different critters, homemade user uploaded porn vs rip’d copies of studio productions. The latter isn’t lacking for either quantity or quality, which is the jist of the problem.

  5. Mike… you know good and damn well that there is a huge demand for this type of porn.

    Our mutual friend in New Orleans is making more money than he ever has in his entire life.

  6. Just my two cents, but I think that the focus on the “tube” sites (or other piracy sites) is, ultimately, kind of futile. The root of the problem in not really in the sites themselves (although they certainly contribute) or in low-quality, omnipresent content (although that certainly sucks too).

    The real problem is with how is easy it is to copy digital media and them propagate it all over creation. “Got a new DVD? Pop it in your computer and use this $50 software to rip it. Now upload it to your site and get enough traffic to start charging for ads Congratulations! You’re now an internet entrepreneur.”

    Piracy has become a big problem in the last 10 years because it is ridiculously easy to copy digital content if you have the physical media. Video sites that allow downloading of existing, licensed content for a monthly fee make the problem even worse because they eliminate the ripping process and provide the user with a pristine digital master that they can copy an infinite number of times.

    I think that the real solution lies in creating technology that allows for reliable, real-time streaming of content at a reasonable price to any media device in the house. That way the content is available immediately, but its locked down and not easily copied. Consumers will also have less incentive to pirate because they don’t feel like they’re being screwed by ridiculous prices.

    Add some good quality content to that model and the business could start to thrive again.

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