Comments on: What I Want The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Fri, 20 Nov 2009 06:04:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: juliemeadows Fri, 06 Nov 2009 03:21:48 +0000 lol!! Ha! I just realized that last night I sent Tod a quick message on FaceBook that says, “Thanks for the comment, Tod! I just left my own response.” As soon as I remembered it I pictured in my head his turning around in his chair, looking out around him for the something he missed. That’s funny. To Infinity, And Blonde! He’s a cool dude. I’m actually really into checking out other people’s Blog Rolls lately. Interesting what one can find!

Oh, okay [on the mail thing]. Actually caught your response just as I logged in to send you an e-mail. Mike had mentioned something, so I will let you know if I encounter any problems.

A glider, huh? I don’t know… I picture myself going over a cliff when I die, actually, but in a Mustang… and at the tender age of eighty, just because I think it would be a fun way to go. If that dream got somehow taken from me on a lightweight glider, I would probably have to come back in reincarnated form to do it all over again. I’m not sure I am prepared to do that. Man, I really hope that was entertaining because I have definitely just revealed too much of myself.

Ha! Jesus Christ or Charles Manson… so basically, “look for the someone who looks like my ex-husband.” Got it.

Dirty Bob, I hope you’re not offended. I do appreciate your compliment the way you intended it. 😀

By: Hunter Fri, 06 Nov 2009 02:59:05 +0000 No apology necessary, Julie. I got a kick out of it. I’ve been compared to worse. A while back when a friend of mine was telling someone who’d never met me how to find me in a crowded bar, he said “When you see a guy who looks like either Jesus Christ or Charles Manson, that’s Hunter”. So I guess I’m pretty flexible. It also shows you how brutal my friends are.

We have sent you something, but it hasn’t arrived yet. I know this because we ordered the same thing for ourselves (me, actually). I think you’ll enjoy it. It was Lady H’s idea, after she watched your interviews with me.

You guys are welcomed anytime. Hell, we’ll even put ya up in a glider if the weather’s right.
Now that’s true southern hospitality.

I found callidity on the net (yeah, I had to look it up too), and I can even see that in your writing. But not in context with Machiavellian. I’m getting really proficient at typing that, by the way.

By: juliemeadows Fri, 06 Nov 2009 00:54:56 +0000 Aw shoot! Lame brain. Obviously, I had Tod on the brain, having just seen him and written about him. Sorry Hunter. 😛

Hey! Have you and Lady H tried to send me anything through the mail? Something’s going on with my mail. Hmm…. I’ll send you a separate e-mail later.

You and your lovely lady are welcome to hang out with me anytime you are in the vicinity! Hopefully, the same goes for me, if I happen to be out your way.

My husband could not find “callidity” on the internet. 😀

By: Hunter Fri, 06 Nov 2009 00:46:10 +0000 Besides… It could be worse. You could have confused me with Dirty Bob.

Machiavellian Callidity???? I’m still not getting that one… lol

By: Hunter Fri, 06 Nov 2009 00:42:45 +0000 Uh, Julie, I really hate to point this out, but I’m not Tod Hunter. I’m just “Hunter”. No one’s really sure if it’s my first name or last name. For all we know it may be my middle name. One thing’s for certain, though. I’m not nearly as famous as Tod Hunter. Well, except to my three dogs. They think I’m a GOD who makes food mysteriously appear from behind that closed door that must surely lead into a dark abyss where no mere mortal (dog) can survive. They have no idea who Tod Hunter is

However, thanks for calling my attention to Tod’s blog, very interesting reading there. Of course now I’ll get even less real work done because I’ve added yet another blog to check in on (my creditors send their regards).

Don’t worry, though. I’d still love to come help you shoot, chit-chat, hang out,etc. But I’ll have to borrow South’s scooter since gas is so high and it’s about a 4000 mile round trip *grin*

By: juliemeadows Thu, 05 Nov 2009 04:42:51 +0000 Thanks, Tod! I saw that you re-told the story of our meeting on your blog. That’s funny! I’ll never forget it. 😀

I also got to read the links in “Sage Advice” and the useful “Vegas Tips”. Good stuff there! I got to meet Dave Cummings in Sacramento in 2001, during a lobbying stint. He was very helpful and funny. Taught me not to push the elevator buttons with my fingertips, but to instead use my knuckle – a part of my appendage that would not likely come near my mouth and face and therefore prevent the spread of cold and infection planted by people who do push the buttons with their fingers. To this day I only use my knuckles to puch elevator buttons, vending machine buttons, soda dispensers, etc…

You’ve got a relaxed wit that packs a punch with little effort. Love reading you stuff. 🙂 And I will certainly ask for your help when shoots roll around. Any chance to hang out and chit chat I’ll jump on, for sure!

By: Hunter Thu, 05 Nov 2009 02:37:03 +0000 Julie, Wonderful article. Absolutely captivating. Congrats and best of luck on the documentary. Sounds like a worthwhile endeavor. I wish I were closer. I’d love to help with it (Mike can vouch that I’m perfectly qualified to serve as a barndoor, if you don’t happen to have one on location).

Machiavellian??? WTF??? I can’t figure that one out either. I certainly don’t see any Machiavellian features in any of your articles.

Keep up the great writing, sweetie. I look forward to it.

By: juliemeadows Wed, 04 Nov 2009 19:18:18 +0000 Oh good! I didn’t know how to take it, that’s why I had to ask. 😀

I had to look it up, and then still wasn’t sure (it’d be very arrogant of me to assume it was complimentary if I don’t know), and the two people I asked that have read The Art of War weren’t sure, either. In fact, the second person I asked looked at me and said, “You’re hateful and calculating?” See how easy it is to read extra tings into something?

Now that I know for sure, “Thank you, Dirty Bob!”

I told the second person I talked to, “I want to be flattered by the insinuation that I’m clever and calculating… but sadly, I am neither.” I do hope that changes over time. There is something to be said for clever and calculating!

By: juliemeadows Wed, 04 Nov 2009 15:28:08 +0000 You think I’m deceitful and aggressive?

By: juliemeadows Mon, 02 Nov 2009 15:58:24 +0000 Oh good!! And also, over the weekend this has turned into a bigger production. I’ll be writing more about it and also have to figure out a way to send out a press release, but this is going to be more like a movie with production costs, etc… There’s a chance we might be able to fly you out, at some point, Miss Lovehands. I’ll keep you posted.

Thank you for your kind words, and I’d love to have you in this project. You are awesome! I’m glad you made it to Florida safely, too!! Stay away from that mold, at any cost. 🙂
