Comments on: Sides of Me The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Fri, 20 Nov 2009 06:11:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: MikeSouth1226 Fri, 20 Nov 2009 06:11:25 +0000 [New Post] Sides of Me – via @twitoaster

By: juliemeadows Wed, 12 Aug 2009 21:46:01 +0000 I hear ya! Without writing I would be so much more of a mess than I am. I’m impressed with your being able to commit to celibacy for eight years. But you know, getting hurt is unavoidable. Don’t punish yourself too much. You owe it to yourself to try relationships. We all deserve to be happy. 🙂

By: Angel Delight Wed, 12 Aug 2009 21:12:51 +0000 I know, life is a learning process, and some lessons are so hard I think…
I have the worst tasts in men…aside from the guy I mentioned in my first post,which was a lot of years ago, the latest guy to really hurt me was just last year. The ironic thing was I had been celibate for eight (yes, eight) years before that, due to being hurt before!It was a dramatic, bold move on my part. Now my head is all over the place.It seems to me that avoiding sex and intimacy maybe is the only way I can stop being hurt.
I guess I am naive when it comes to judging men although I have read some good books on dating, but don’t have any on sex/intimacy or anything.
Still, I try not to be too bitter about things. The worst of the hurt is over…now I am just angry and confused.
Writing though helps me put things in perspective.

By: juliemeadows Wed, 12 Aug 2009 19:38:32 +0000 Cool. I love a good read, so thanks for the tip. 🙂

And on your “not [being] very experienced when it comes to carnal pleasures…”, we all need a little help in different areas. At least that’s a fairly easy fix. Know any good manuals on learning intimacy tricks? Ugh… Learning never ends, does it?

By: Angel Delight Wed, 12 Aug 2009 18:42:23 +0000 Whoops, I meant “Sinful Rella” (2001)…my mistake.
There is also a chapter with Jane Hamilton as well.

The full title of the book is
“ONCE MORE WITH FEELING – how we tried to make the greatest porn film ever”.

Available on Amazon, which also have some reviews of it as well. Whether conservative or liberal, any reader will find it entertaining. Some stuff in it really makes you think.

I myself, am not very experienced when it comes to carnal pleasures, so to speak,LOL, and I was certainly enlightened! (as well as a little embarrassed by some things in it):)
I bought it thinking it was a comedy but it is actually pretty factual.

Tera’s book sounds cool…I have seen her in various videos that show the “real life” aspect of adult.

I recommend:

Hard Trip

Secret Lives of Adult Stars.

For informative interviews.

By: juliemeadows Wed, 12 Aug 2009 18:20:17 +0000 Really? That does sound really cool, actually. It’s sounds funny, and you gotta love those Brits and their cheekiness. I am going to look it up. I hope I don’t sound like a schmuck in it, of course. 😛

I just read, too, that Tera has a co-authored book coming out (I still read ghost-written, but whatever :D), but it has a nice title – “Sinner Takes All”, awesome! – and actually looks like it could be a good read. I met Tera a few times and didn’t particularly like her personality, but it still looks interesting enough that it could be good. I guess we will see!

By: Angel Delight Wed, 12 Aug 2009 17:45:59 +0000 Has anyone ever read a book called “How we tried to make the greatest porn film ever?” by Victoria Cohen and Charlie Skelton (Fourth Estate Publishing). It is a hilarious tale of two amateurs from UK who go to America and other countries to try and make a porn film. One of them actually falls in love with a bisexual co star!
It is quite witty and nicely written.
What’s more, I noticed an interview with adult stars Dale Da Bone and Julie Meadows in it while they were on the set of “Sinderella”…!! (Chapter 12)…back in 2001 I think!
A cool book if anyone is interested. It is available on Amazon!

By: juliemeadows Mon, 10 Aug 2009 17:13:56 +0000 I love Ron! He is a funny guy. And, of course, the most famous porn star.

By: Angel Delight Sun, 09 Aug 2009 14:46:55 +0000 I remember the great Ron Jeremy said that Jenna’s book should’ve been titled “How to f**k like a porn star” not “make love”. I guess that was to make the distinction that porn stars are just doing a job and try not to let emotions get involved.
I like Ron, he’s funny and intelligent.

Yes, I find it hard to post comments. I never know if someone will get offended by what I say, and all my thoughts come tumbling out and half the time I remember what I was going to say long after I have posted it!! 🙂

By: juliemeadows Sat, 08 Aug 2009 23:46:35 +0000 To Lindsey – of course Mike can give you my number! I love Southern gals. You’re a firecracker! Have a great rest of your weekend, too, Sugar! 😀
