Comments on: Questions for Shelley Lubben about The Pink Cross The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Fri, 20 Nov 2009 06:06:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: MikeSouth1226 Fri, 20 Nov 2009 06:06:40 +0000 [New Post] Questions for Shelley Lubben about The Pink Cross – via @twitoaster

By: pohj871 Sun, 04 Oct 2009 04:59:38 +0000 Yep. That’s the one.

By: juliemeadows Sat, 03 Oct 2009 21:01:37 +0000 I do remember that e-mail. You mentioned that I gave her a lot of good advice and you hope she takes it, especially the “learning to say no” part. It was nice of you to take the time to send that. 🙂

By: pohj871 Sat, 03 Oct 2009 00:14:29 +0000 Yeah, I’m glad I was able to see that interview with Tanner. There was plenty of stuff out there blasting her including that video of her flipping out. It was good to get her perspective. Did you get my e-mail about it a few weeks back? I’m Scott I’m definitely going to keep an eye on your youtube channel for future interviews.

Thanks for the complement about my perspective. I appreciate it.


By: juliemeadows Fri, 02 Oct 2009 03:50:43 +0000 Oh fine… I’ll tell you now.

Fit for the industry means… well it’s like being fit for anything. The way you think, feel, live your life, consciously and conscientiously “fits” with the lifestyle of pornography. But more than that it also requires a strong person who knows who they are and what they want and is fully aware of the consequences.

Nina Hartley is fit for the industry. That is one tough and aware broad! She is in a relationship with someone in the industry, they write, they attend Free Speach meetings, lobby in Sacremento, extend their help and insights by writing books. Her and Ira are definitely fit for the industry.

Tera Patrick seem fit for the industry. She loves it. She just wrote a book and it appears that she is quite happy, though you won’t like the title. It’s “Sinner Takes All”. I have to admit I find sinners slightly more interesting than saints. Well, more than slightly. Oh… I’m being naughty.

But, seriously and honestly, we are talking about only a small portion of people in the industry. I like Mike’s perspective about getting the bad ones out. It is the only problem I have ever had with the industry… to many childish people with no self-esteem. It ruins it for everybody.

Lindsey Lovehands loves her job. Some people just love what they do. That is not a crime. Happiness, in any form, is a beautiful thing. I guess it is much like your faith. Unless you can feel what they feel, it’s impossible to understand completely. Me, I enjoyed the industry. I have met some of the coolest people I will ever meet in the adult industry. In fact, I will be visiting a friend I had fallen out of contact with tomorrow night who was an actor and has been an award-winning cameraman for number of years, and his wife was a porn star and they have a baby and they live a very rural and happy life. There are good people in the industry, but like so many of you have said about the religious fanatics that give Christianity a bad name, not everyone is like that. You really have to look and dig to find the good ones. Diamonds in so much coal, but if you are a diamond yourself, it won’t be too hard.

That is the best I can do about that until I post again next Monday. It may not help much, but I hope it does.. just a little.

By: juliemeadows Fri, 02 Oct 2009 03:31:23 +0000 Hey! A couple of posts got lost on me in the stream…
“pohj871” – Thanks for your response. Now you have a cool perspective. I like the way you express yourself. And you saw the Tanner Mayes interview. Very cool.

Jan Meza – I’m glad you posted, too. Although… statistics about disease is fairly redundant. Sex is the job. So now are we to condemn gay men because of AIDS? That’s just a dumb argument. And cops get shot… what does that prove? Save the statistics, please.

92bDad – You’ve got some interesting perspective to. I suppose I could go with the “teachings” better if they were taught as symbolism. It’s the crazy way with anything put into words, it’s so tricky! If it were a story with symbolism and not related so literally, it would make more sense. Like the frog carrying the scorpion across the river. The scorpion asks for a ride on his back, the frog says yes, the scorpion stings the frog halfway across and before they drown the frog asks why and the scorpion says, “I’m a scorpion dummy.” If it were presented as symbolism or parable, I would get that, absolutely. It is not presented that way, but instead as fact. Too weird. But I do like that your place of prayer encourages it’s members to challenge the “facts”. It makes for a creative person to be able to make a case for some of those crazy stories. 😀

You are not pond scum! That is where you could actually liberate your mind a bit and maybe start to heal from whatever harm you suffer from. You are just a person. You should not beat yourself up so much! You watch porn. Are you raping people, killing people? Maybe do what i did when I quit smoking and cut back a little at a time. One video here and there until there are no more may be better the the extremes it seems you torture yourself with. Maybe even get a hobby that involves a lot of wrist movement, like bowling. I’m just kidding. You seem nice and I felt comfortable being funny.

April – I am going to e-mail you, and I am also going to tell you what makes a person “fit” for the porn industry. It’s quite simple really.

But forgive me if it must wait until tomorrow. Actually, I may have to write about it. This story I have in mind is so long, I think I will have to break it up until three parts. I will e-mail you, though. Most of you have been so kind. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

By: April Thu, 01 Oct 2009 21:00:16 +0000 Julie — I am also extending an open invitation to you, if you ever want to contact me for any reason. I believe you have my E-mail.

I am still curious, though — in your opinion, what character traits define a person who is “fit” for the porn industry?

By: ash Thu, 01 Oct 2009 18:02:52 +0000 juliemeadows- You’re welcome! I definitely think everybodies a work in progress…to some degree. Everybody has some sort of problem, or something they can work on the be a better person. It is important for us to work to become better people…no matter what our beliefs are. Anytime we either go through a hard time,or make a mistake…we can learn from it. We should use whatever the situation is to become better people. Hope to talk more later:)

By: juliemeadows Thu, 01 Oct 2009 15:11:53 +0000 not “fater” – “after”… dumbass

By: juliemeadows Thu, 01 Oct 2009 15:11:18 +0000 “92bDad” – I just saw your post and I have to go to work. 🙁 I want to respond fater work, though. Can’t believe I missed it! Thank you for sharing and please check back if you can later tonight. Darn work. Grrrrrr….. Which, I need, but it is frustrating when cool things like this stream are happening. 😀
