Comments on: I’d Like To See Prostitution Legalized The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Fri, 07 Jul 2023 05:47:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: juliemeadows Thu, 14 Jan 2010 07:59:58 +0000 I wish them nothing but success!

By: Zeiram Tue, 12 Jan 2010 08:56:34 +0000 Hey,

Yeah. Luckily here the more pro. minded sex workers are actively trying to form and found a national Sex workers union. That would give them added security in form of social security services. Unemployment help. Legal support etc etc.

By: juliemeadows Mon, 11 Jan 2010 19:06:23 +0000 LMAO! I am sick with cold, so I got this a little late, but thank you, Hunter. The passion and selflessness with which you express donating your time to “field research” is commendable and without match. You are a beacon of professional light! 😀

By: Hunter Sun, 10 Jan 2010 20:43:16 +0000 Great Idea Julie! And being the civic-minded person that I am, I’m officially volunteering to do the “field research” for the story. Just get me an expense account, and I’ll travel to all the places prostitution is legal and “interview” various participants. Of course, most of my receipts will probably be hand-written. Oh, and don’t worry about me being corrupted, we all know that… “money exchanged is for companionship only, anything beyond that…blah, blah, blah”

By: juliemeadows Sat, 09 Jan 2010 15:08:51 +0000 Very interesting. That would make for a good story, investigating the places where prostitution is legal. It would make a good documentary, too…

Thank you, Zeiram. I’m amazed at how, as you say, the strategy is still just to further punish the sex worker because people there are profiting off of human slaves – which is another story altogether. Sex slavery is a major epidemic in the world today, but the person still targeted over illegal prostitution is the person with the immediate product, the sex worker, not the pimp. I don’t understand how the pimp’s role is never targeted.

There was a movie poised at the Oscars for several awards on year, and their theme song was featured in a performance. Three 6 Mafia got on the stage and performed, It’s Hard Out There for a Pimp “. I was not a prostitute then, but I still had enough sense to turn to my ex-husband and say, “Oh? It’s hard for a pimp? Are they joking? Right. It is hard to sit around while “bitches” make your money for you. So hard…”

By: Zeiram Sat, 09 Jan 2010 05:20:50 +0000 I can honestly say that legalized prostitution is a good thing. In Denmark, Europe prostitution is legal and has been so for a very long time. There is however a recent movement in political circles trying to make it illegal. This is a misconcieved attempt to control and reduce the number of involuntary prostitutes. Eg women who are bought and sold by various people with the purpose of prostitution in mind.

The politicians however seem to have forgotten that there are already rules and regulations in place to address this issue. Specifically rules that state that the only person allowed to profit from the sale of sex between two individuals it the person selling the sexual service. Eg. It is illegal for me to make money by having women work for me as sex wokers. It is illegal for me to have a house where sex workers can pay me to use the rooms. As i would indirectly be proffiting from other persons prostitution.

But as i said. The politicians have forgotten these details in a “hollier than thou” attitude towards the sex worker industry.

to get back on the whole main topic. Selling sexual services is legal in denmark. some local government administrations even pay sex workers to have sexual relations with people who are disabled in a manner that prohibits them from meeting women. And the sex workers are currently tryng to form their own independent union. In an effort to further improve conditions and get a unified voice towards the public.

By: juliemeadows Sat, 09 Jan 2010 03:31:00 +0000 Ugh… why am I such a ‘tard when it comes to the commenting portion of this whole thing? I meant to end the italics at some point. 😀

By: juliemeadows Sat, 09 Jan 2010 03:29:34 +0000 I totally agree with both of you. I had a friend who got busted in Chicago and she said that the arresting officer acted ashamed of himself. It really is a waste of resources. It takes a group to stand up and say something about it, but if you say something about it you are admitting guilt and you’ll get set up. I’m sure the actress denied being an escort, because you have to, even if you are clearly advertised on a site as an escort. One could certainly say that they only escort clients to dinner and it is perfectly legal, but we all know that once you admit you are an escort that you’re admitting to prostitution… Which makes me wonder, why is “escort” work legal? Ha! I never really contemplated that whole business. Funny though, that’s what got me in the door to doing escort work – the notion that I might actually just be getting paid to hang out on a date with a fan or out-of-towner. Dumbass!

By: backspace Fri, 08 Jan 2010 20:56:08 +0000 Me too. It was only recently that I learned that some porn stars perform escort services as well. I think one of Tiger’s women (the porn star) was an escort. But in the same article I think she also denied she was ever an escort. So I don’t get it. The only difference i see between women who escort and women who perform in adult movies is that one’s on camera and the other is private. but it’s still at its root consenting adults having sex. i could make a somewhat better (yet weak) case of banning porn over prostitution yet it’s the complete opposite of what we have in society. so if you’re a porn star and currently or have in the past escorted why hide it? Why does it seem that there is more stigma and shame having sex in private than there is having sex on camera?

and i don’t buy the theory that if prostitution is legal porn wouldn’t thrive. some women were simply god blessed to look f*cking great on camera and will always have fans pay to see them. porn parodies are here to stay and won’t be affected too much i don’t think.

okay enough of my bullsh*t…JUST LEGALIZE IT ALREADY

By: Hunter Fri, 08 Jan 2010 18:33:55 +0000 Wonderful post, Julie. I couldn’t agree more. Criminalizing an individual just because they’re engaging in an act that is deemed (by a few self-righteous vote whores) socially unacceptable is just stupid. Setting up “stings” has got to be one of the biggest wastes of resources in the law enforcement community. And worst, like you point out, it renders the otherwise harmless “criminal” defenseless against far more serious crimes, thus creating a perfect victim for the real criminals. Absolute idiocy.
