Comments on: For Real The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Sat, 28 Nov 2009 20:10:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: juliemeadows Sat, 28 Nov 2009 20:10:17 +0000 Ha!! Thanks Hunter! 😀

By: Hunter Thu, 26 Nov 2009 23:27:04 +0000 Julie. Filtered or non-filtered, I LOVE it. Honesty is the key to your writing. You call em like you see em, and in a very eloquent way. I vote for more drinking, more writing, and more drinking and writing! Great job!!!

Oh, and happy fuckin thanksgiving to you and yours!!!

By: juliemeadows Thu, 26 Nov 2009 20:36:07 +0000 Happy Thanksgiving, Angel. 🙂

I don’t know Jenna. Everyone complains about their life. Being a new mom is hard enough, I’m sure twins is overwhelming. I’m sure she loves her kids as much as any parent loves their kids. And considering everything she has endured in her life, she probably handles it better than most.

“Idle hands are the devil’s playground.” If this documentary doesn’t get going soon I’m going to lose my mind. The stress is burying me and not having the creative outlets of video work and editing is turning my mind stale. The idea is to be positive and motivating. My writing is getting darker. I gotta get back to the fun stuff.

By: Angel Delight Thu, 26 Nov 2009 16:35:35 +0000 Great post Julie and a Happy Thanksgiving to you all.
I have just one comment on the post.

I think it is sad that Jenna chose to have two children then feel as if she doesn’t want to be tied to them.
It makes me wonder, if you aren’t prepared to put the effort into parenting, then why have children?
However when on the Oprah Winfrey show, she seemed to enjoy parenting. Although ,I know it could’ve been for the cameras.
A good business woman, and I have had read her book, and she has been through some extremely tough events in her life, so I give her credit for that.
I do think she could’ve done without the plastic surgery though.

By: juliemeadows Thu, 26 Nov 2009 01:52:07 +0000 I just added extra paragraphs to what I wrote as a way of expressing my calmer thoughts on the meaning behind what I wrote. Not really about what I wrote, but why I wrote it the way that I did.

No, I’m not against self-promotion at all. It was a raw moment and there’s no way I can explain it better than I did in the post. My life is a learning lesson every day and I just record what I feel and try to make sense of it somehow. It’s a process of peeling back the layers and seeing what I find. Writing is the most intimate outlet I have and I have to play with it. I don’t want to name-call, but if I’m honest and true to expressing myself, I won’t always say the nice and right thing. I have been pretty good about not doing that, but I’m human. I’m also learning.

…I really hate the holidays.

By: goodwill Wed, 25 Nov 2009 21:53:54 +0000 Why do porn girls keep shooting themselves in the feet by engaging the mainstream media? Could it have anything to do with the fact that they all start out in life (before porn) wanting the attention and accolades that having a distinguished entertainment career brings, but lacking the talent (and more importantly the character necessary to develop that talent), they attempt to achieve it through a short cut? To have the effect without the cause (media attention being just one of the effects they’ve deluded themselves into thinking they deserve).

No, couldn’t be.

By: MikeSouth Wed, 25 Nov 2009 18:02:32 +0000 There is a lot of truth to what Julie writes.

Many times I had the conversation with girls in this biz, most recently Kayden Kross. I point out to them that they aren’t doing anything to maeke the world a better place, there’s no need to get a big head, you fuck for money and you do it in front of a camera. To my mind that’s a rather ambiguous thing and it certainly isn’t worthy of getting a big head.

In the end the only person you answer to is the person who looks back at you in the mirror, as long as I am OK with that person then it’s all good.

But that may be why I’m NOT famous. I really don’t like to step on or use anyone and I try to avoid people who do.

I’ve seen this biz change people for the worse and that goes up exponentially as they become more popular. It’s a damn shame.

But I have reached one conclusion and that is that there are very few people here that are both amoral and ethical.

I’m no fan of morality as it pertains to projecting yours onto others but I tend to think of myself as highly ethical.

By: Cocaine_Incorporated Wed, 25 Nov 2009 17:00:05 +0000 Well, Julie was obviously feeling very emotional when she wrote this, but I think I understand what she’s saying. BT, I don’t think she is condemning self promotion in any way. She’s condemning those who step on, and abuse others to achieve fame, and then use that fame as leverage to abuse others even more. She also seems be condemning those who choose to change who they are, for no other reason than the admiration and acceptance of others (which, of course, you may still never acquire.) When you do that, you are giving someone else the power to control your quality of life…and that is something you should never give away. If your happiness revolves around the actions of someone else, your happiness is headed towards certain doom. Your quote is quite relevant to her point though: “This is the life we choose.” The key word being “Choose.” It is your “choice” to pursue your goals (in any industry) with integrity, or without integrity. She is clearly pointing the finger at those who choose the path absent of integrity.

Maybe her comments were a bit ambiguous about fame overall, and maybe she pointed a finger in one direction a little more than she normally would have due to her frustration, but the girl isn’t afraid to say how she feels, unlike most people…and I don’t think anybody will ever be able to take that quality away from her. In the end, she speaks a fundamental truth- happiness is derived from how you see the world, not how the world sees you.

By: Den Wed, 25 Nov 2009 15:14:18 +0000 ‘I [Julie Meadows] am incredible whether you recognize it or not.’

I do recognize it and yes you are!

Happy Thanksgiving.


By: BT Wed, 25 Nov 2009 12:19:02 +0000 Julie: Without getting too high-falutin’ about it, at the end of the day, the reason porn performers do what porn performers do to promote themselves is that they are the entertainers in the adult entertainment industry. Folks who want to work anonymously in the background, make their pay and go home to the spouse of the kids, become caterers, makeup artists and gaffers. You don’t take off your clothes and do the deed on camera – or off camera if you’re a stripper or an escort – if you just want to earn your daily bread. And in that sense, an adult entertainer is no different than any other entertainer – she needs to get noticed if she’s going to last and build a career. As they said in the Godfather: “This is the life we choose.”
