Comments on: Damien Michaels, and How Porn is Not All Bad The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Sat, 21 Nov 2009 18:44:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: juliemeadows Sat, 21 Nov 2009 18:44:35 +0000 Me too! Talk about brainwashing, although backspace is definitely right, porn isn’t all good, either, and there plenty of brainwashing people within the industry. I think she could find a way to pick her battles better and actually do the industry some good. I think she has her own agenda, though, and doesn’t care about anyone else’s opinion if it doesn’t match her own. It’s her prerogative, though I just can’t help but try to push the point of finding a middle ground – a route that makes more sense. Sex and being human and wanting to survive isn’t evil. People are so damn weird, man!

By: Goddess Sat, 21 Nov 2009 05:17:00 +0000 I can see why it would get to you at times, Julie. Porn is something you love and here’s this person constantly badmouthing it, and telling you that you need to have a ‘come to Jesus’ moment to be saved. In her mind, perhaps.

Personally, I’d be more worried about someone being sucked into organized religion than the porn industry;).

By: juliemeadows Sat, 21 Nov 2009 03:44:19 +0000 Thanks all! “Fuck ’em and feed’ am fish heads!” I haven’t heard that expression in years! lol I was meditating on a thought today about dropping judgment, which is obviously s constant practice because everything that happens every moment inspires us to make a stand in our minds, at least, and articulate some kind of point-of-view, but it is really releasing to see things as new. It’s hard when it seems like we’re seeing the same thing over and over again, but it’s only made predictable by our inability to be new, ourselves, when we see it. Lindsey, you are a real sweetie. I hope you always stay that way. I miss Southern gals. Nothing like a hottie with a Southern drawl who can shoot a gun and, as if by magic, keep her make-up flawless and her hair perfectly manicured in the kind of humidity that breeds mosquitos as big as a your head. 😀

I’m hoping the documentary will serve to highlight the real issues to care about. I hope it reveals humanizing traits that soften people’s perspectives a bit. That would be a nice little contribution on my part.

Good points, Goddess. And you’re right. Better to not worry too much about other’s rank thinking and tedious needs for guilt, hate, blame, etc… It’s really nothing to be too concerned about, but you know… I can’t help myself. It ignites a flame in my belly. I don’t know. If I’m going to have anger issues I might as well direct it at something worthwhile. 😀

By: Goddess Fri, 20 Nov 2009 19:40:51 +0000 I think the people who are in the industry solely to make money any way they can, are NEVER going to find anything good to say about it. They hate what they’re doing and then they end up hating themselves for doing it. That’s why they have to be stoned or drunk to get through the day. That right there should tell you something about how you really feel about your CHOSEN “career”.

Then you have the people who don’t think porn is “work”, they don’t think it’s a horrible thing they have to suffer through. They love it.

These two camps are never going to agree because they’re seeing the industry through two different filters.

So to that end, I say, don’t worry about the Shelley Lubbens of the world, Julie. Be grateful you have a job you love and are employed:)

Making porn “evil” and yourself a victim of that evil is a convenient way to salve your conscience.

By: backspace Fri, 20 Nov 2009 18:20:02 +0000 good post! and of course we all know porn is not all good either.

By: Lindsey Lovehands Fri, 20 Nov 2009 15:03:03 +0000 Julie GREAT as always…and very much on-point. I am one that agrees with you in industry person as well. There are spoiled apples in EVERY barrel, and truthfully there are FAR MORE scum-bag opportunists in corporate America than there will EVER be in the jizz-biz…period. The CEO of a company that steals money from the tax-payer, takes extravagent vacations on OUR dime, hides assets all over the world and sexually harrasses his female underlings will always somehow have an air of propriety and importance, dare I say reverance, in our society, while at the same time you and me and all the women who work or worked in this industry are “whores” and the producers like Mike are “perverted exploiters” whom are looked down upon by so-called “normal” people. I for one say “fuck-em and feed ’em fish heads” because there are FAR more people like you, Mike and me in this industry, people that are well-read, intelligent, thoughtful and compassionate, than there predators. Where is the outrage over the malfeasance and exploitation that goes on, unfettered EVERY day in our normal lives? Porn and the people who work in it, are easy prey for the crusaders. And yet those same crusaders are exploited EVERY day in their “normal, 9-5” jobs and they either are too dumb to realize it or they just don’t care, OR they have reconciled themselves to the fact that they can’t do anything about it because they are just another cog in the corporate wheel.

By: Den Fri, 20 Nov 2009 12:45:22 +0000 Julie,

Thanks for your views. Well written.

Keep up the great writings!


By: MikeSouth1226 Fri, 20 Nov 2009 05:13:48 +0000 [New Post] Damien Michaels, and How Porn is Not All Bad – via @twitoaster
