What’s going on with the APAC and APAG? The good, the bad and the BDSM

Man how times have changed.

I was a big supporter of the idea of the FSC creating a performer division, offering services to porn stars. I thought it was the best idea ever. Now, I see I might have been a little short-sighted.

Things started off great, but now you have the Free Speech Coalition’s APAC over there hosting pool parties at bars, claiming to support mental health. Because you know, getting drunk is always a good thing for people with mental health issues.

Then they come out with the new idea that schools, should teach basic bondage safety. Yes, just what we need, to teach children about BDSM.

WTF are they smoking over there at the FSC?

Now you have APAG, which just a year or so ago, everyone cringed when they heard that name. But they’ve really cleaned up their act and stepped up their game. And get this, they are actually doing things to help members of our industry, such as their initiative to work with Facebook and Instagram to fight back against censorship.

The APAG has other interesting projects going on as well, including updates to the testing system, and a look at racism in our industry and how best to handle it.

Times really have changed. Who would have thought that APAG would have turned out to be such a valuable resource for our industry?


498380cookie-checkWhat’s going on with the APAC and APAG? The good, the bad and the BDSM

What’s going on with the APAC and APAG? The good, the bad and the BDSM

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  1. I think that was Riley Reyes’ personal opinion and not the opinion of APAC but at least when I was in high school that would have went over like a lead balloon (I think the same result would happen today). I also don’t know how to teach horny 14 year old students in their health classes how to avoid nerve damage without teaching bondage techniques (and I know a hell of a lot more about it than any teacher at the local high school). Hell, the school district that I live in does not even teach VD prevention or anything about sex in school (although a nearby district has a comprehensive module on sex and VD prevention — the state leaves that decision up to local school boards), anything regarding sexual bondage is certainly verboten and any teacher daring to teach it would be summarily fired (there are no longer any tenure protections for K-12 teachers in Michigan, the principal or superintendent can fire at will).

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