Comments on: Let’s Talk About The Cost of Performer STD Testing The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Mon, 10 Jul 2023 13:14:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: mharris127 Thu, 19 Sep 2019 12:24:27 +0000 Porn performers have also said that condoms are a no go. At least 30 porn performers have said that the peculiarities of porn sex cause condoms to irritate the vagina — increasing the risk of VD if a condom breaks. The loss of 30 porn performers over this would decimate the industry.

By: Karmafan Wed, 18 Sep 2019 13:17:31 +0000 Because porn fans overwhelmingly do not like condoms in the scenes.

By: smoke_the_one Wed, 18 Sep 2019 09:08:25 +0000 I have 2 points
why should a producer pay an extra $20 when he’s already paying the agency $100+ as well as $1,000+ to the model?
Why not shoot condom only and test every 30 days using insurance?

By: mharris127 Tue, 17 Sep 2019 20:28:52 +0000 I wasn’t even thinking of the “non-producer clients”, Lurk. To my understanding most agents don’t involve themselves in their talent’s escorting (which would explain the reason for the “non-producer client” comment). I suppose theoretically an arrangement could be made with any TLC or Eros type sites remaining after SESTA/FOSTA that refer/arrange escorting gigs but because of the illegality of that business IMO we don’t have a snowball’s chance in the Lake of Fire of that happening. For that business clients and escorts will likely have to continue using paper tests (if the escorting performer chooses to), probably necessitating two tests every 14 days instead of one — one paid by the escorting performer, the other through incremental billing of producers. For the record I have never had to show a VD test to any prostitutes I have fucked but that was two decades ago and I found them in the Yellow Pages or on a seedy street corner.

By: mharris127 Tue, 17 Sep 2019 09:15:16 +0000 Yes, Hop. I test every three months along with the other necessary blood testing. Do you test regularly considering you have contact with about 60 other porn chicks every quarter?

By: Hop Sing Tue, 17 Sep 2019 07:12:21 +0000 Dr. Harris – are you still testing regularly?

By: LurkingReader Mon, 16 Sep 2019 20:49:38 +0000 Six years now I’ve been explaining how an effective shared costing model would and more importantly could work to everyone’s advantage.

Tests are prorated by access.

Each time a test is verified an access code is generated.. At the end of the valid test dates the cost is shared equally per access code generated.

Performer pays portion for content trades (unless fee charged to copyright holder)
Agent pays a portion for for each non content producer ‘client’
Content producer pays portion for each paid scene.

Obvious advantage is lower cost to performer. Less obvious advantages

* producers ability to use access codes to appease OSHA and prove workplace safety at a minimal cost.

* pass a portion of cost on to non-content clients booked via agent.

*increased performer privacy. That’s a big deal!!! Instead of the current system with green checks and scarlet X available to any and everyone with access to PASS that info would only be given to users willing to pay for access.

Add in this method opens door to performers to offer or ask for added HIV antibody test without opening can of worms the green check/scarlet X system presents.

By: mharris127 Mon, 16 Sep 2019 11:41:07 +0000 I agree that testing should not have to be paid for by talent. Producers should have to pay into a fund at a rate to be determined every time they cast a performer in a sexual role to access VD test information on a database. Agents should participate in making sure producers pay their fee for use of their client’s VD tests. At this point showing a paper VD test would be unnecessary because all of the information would be on the database. I agree that all agents should be charging all producers the $20 VD test fee per client that they send on a job for sexual performance in the meantime. Actually, it should probably be increased to $30 or $35 per performer, per scene (I could live with per performing day) in a sex role. At that point, if a performer works ten times per month their tests are pretty much reimbursed.

The biggest issue with testing fees is when performers do a “content trade” where no money changes hands. One, who would be the producer in a mutually agreed scene where no money changes hands. Two, if both people in this content trade are equal partners do they both pay? There are at least ten performers doing content trades (I would guess closer to 15-16 from what I have read, out of current performers I think Bailey Rayne is the best known of performers that content trade, Kelli has discussed the practice once or twice IIRC but she is not a current performer and it is possible that she has never performed in this industry — with nom de porn names used routinely I can’t definitively say without her telling us), I would be interested in reading Kelli’s take on this and her estimate of the number of performers that do content trade scenes with each other in the industry so this is a small but not insignificant issue. Does the industry exempt those not exchanging money for a scene or does the industry testing organization that would be created for this make them pay, too?
