Fake porn producer claims ties to the infamous Getty family!

There is a man going around claiming to be the son of the infamous John Paul Getty. Now the problem with that is, it’s 100% not true and easy to disprove.

Why nobody ever thought to … I don’t know, Google this, is beyond me. It’s a blatant lie that is beyond easy to disprove.

J. (Jean) Paul Getty had a son named Sir. John Paul Getty, who had a son John Paul Getty III. This is the famous one who was kidnapped in 1973 — the one they recently did the movie about. John Paul Getty III also has a brother named Mark, as well as three sisters.

This fake producer who goes by the name of John Getty claims his father is John Getty and that his father is the one who bought him the fancy house in the Hollywood hills.

Obviously all a big fat lie.

John Paul Getty III had only one son, his name is Balthazar Getty. This is what he looks like.

Balthazar Getty

Coincidently, Balthazar Getty does happen to be around the same age as this fake producer who claims his name is John Getty. So we showed his picture to three different porn stars who have worked with him and all confirm he looks nothing like Balthazar Getty but that they are probably around the same age.

Balthazar Getty has 4 children, 3 daughters, and 1 son named Cassius Paul. Cassius, however, is only 18 years old, so clearly not the 50 something fake porn producer in question.

I decided to check out Mark Getty (John’s brother). Maybe the fake producer is related to him, and his uncle is John Getty. I mean hey, let’s give the guy the benefit of the doubt, right?

Turns out Mark Getty (the founder of Getty images) has three children, none of whom are named John. His three kids are Julias, Joseph, and Alexander — all of which are far too young to be the 50 something, fake producer. And as far as it being Mark Getty, well I suspect he’s a little busy running Getty images and living in Rome, Italy to be the fake producer in question.

We got the phone number and address that the producer is using. The phone number ties back to a man named Gregory Zissman. Who is coincidentally in his 50s.

Surprise, surprise — Gregory Zissman has no relation at all to the Getty family!

He also doesn’t live in the fancy mansion where he last booked a talent with an agent we won’t name at this time. This is where our fake producer actually lives.

A far cry from the multi-million dollar mansion he claims to be his own in the Hollywood Hills.

So if you get a request to work with someone going by the name of John Getty, be warned. That’s not his name. He’s not related to the famous Getty family and he’s not even a real porn producer.


UPDATE: Since we posted this story we had a few porn stars contact us about their experience with the guy. One tells us that he booked her for $10,000 for a week and when she got there he was so drunk he couldn’t perform and by the end of the second day had a full-blown herpes flare up.

483430cookie-checkFake porn producer claims ties to the infamous Getty family!

Fake porn producer claims ties to the infamous Getty family!

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6 Responses

  1. I think that is what the article is alluding to, Karma. Maybe some of the girls know what is up and do it voluntarily (I support the legalization of prostitution anyway), my problem is those that are tricked into prostitution. Also, claiming to be a member of the once prestigious Getty family is a big ass whopper to tell if it isn’t true. I feel badly for that family being dragged into such a scandal, people deserve to decide for themselves whether to associate with this industry and assholes like Mr. Zissman forcing them to deal with this and worse yet likely tricking performers or potential performers into prostitution is some of the worst asshattery that this industry has seen. WTF is in the water LADWP is supplying the less than wonderful city of Los Angeles to cause the cascade of asshattery in this industry as of late????? No wonder the industry is moving to Las Vegas at a rapid clip (although the condum requirement is helping that along, too).

    Also, thanks to Mr. Balthazar Getty for the picture to prove he isn’t Mr. Zissman. He didn’t have to provide the picture for publication and have his picture plastered on this site, he did that of his own free will, likely to make Mr. Zissman look like an ass and help performers not be tricked by the faker. Mr. Zissman’s picture is what should be on this site so people know what the creep looks like! Fuck you, Gregory Zissman and may you have to suck cock every night when you finally get sent to the LA Men’s Detention and Prolapse Center. If you did this in Vegas, you need some time in the Clark County Detention and Ass Fuck Center as well. Also, say hi to cutie patootie guard Nicole Sittre (who can cuff me then stuff my dick in all of her fuckable holes anytime) in booking for me — otherwise known as the star of the TV show Jail, filmed in the Clark County Detention and Ass Fuck Center when you get there (she almost makes heterosexual men want to be arrested)! Also, maybe you can be forced to take tranny dick up your ass to pay your bills while you are awaiting investigation and prosecution. Also, Mr. Zissman, if you do this shit in Vegas, they don’t fuck around like LA County does. They are the ones that finally found a way to get renowned killer and armed robber OJ Simpson in prison after LA County failed miserably.

  2. It might have been, Mr. Big. I don’t recall. I do know Jail was, though.

    As for performers not caring as long as he can prove that he doesn’t have VD, his money spends and his checks don’t bounce, there are probably many that feel that way. However, many more do not and don’t want to be tricked into prostitution. I see both viewpoints as valid and if he were honest about his intentions with performers and their agents from the beginning I wouldn’t have a problem with that (assuming he treated them well and his VD tests both existed and were negative). If he were honest, performers could either accept his bookings or not depending on how they felt about the situation. As the fake Mr. Getty does business with deceit (and it has to make me wonder about the veracity of his VD tests, are those forgeries and only make believe as well), I have a big problem with it.

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