Comments on: The FSC Claims There Are No Cases of Antibiotic resistant Gonorrhea In Porn The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Sat, 08 Jul 2023 13:52:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: Hunter Fri, 29 Nov 2013 22:32:50 +0000 In reply to LurkingReader.

Ceiling sucker. I LOVE IT, LOL. Hope you don’t mind me using that. Hell, it may be my new screen name.

By: LurkingReader Fri, 29 Nov 2013 20:17:50 +0000 In reply to Lacey Blake.


Glad you had good Thanksgiving…every party with good food and friends needs at least one ceiling sucker for amusement. Wouldn’t it suck to wake with plaster bits in mouth?

By: Lacey Blake Fri, 29 Nov 2013 09:39:55 +0000 In reply to LurkingReader.

@Lurk –
Ahh.. the frustration. And, we’re the ones who get accused of screaming and hollering. We’re the fear mongers!!!! The screaming isn’t from trying to scare people or some shit… it’s due to pure frustration.

Yep. I ate too much all right!! I actually fell asleep on the couch about 15min. after I finished eating. I’m like one of the old men who fall asleep after a big meal.

It was pretty pathetic. As friends were leaving they would wake me up to say bye and the only thing I could say was “Well, sorry I didn’t get to talk to you. Please tell me I wasn’t snoring?”

What kind of hostess passes out on the couch in the middle of the den at her own Thanksgiving dinner. I would be embarrassed, but they all understood. I was REALLY tired. Haha.
At least it was at my own house. I guess it would have been more rude to just go lay in my bed?? 😉

By: erik2690 Fri, 29 Nov 2013 05:57:56 +0000 In reply to Lacey Blake.

The other thing that really bugs me is why the heck does Mike know the # of performers infected and the # of people they had contact with, but no one in the industry at large has been made aware. Let’s be honest if this source or these performers were out to help people they wouldn’t tell just 1 blogger in Georgia. If these performers thought this was a serious spread risk and were in any way good people, interested in helping others, they would be sounding alarms to every site and agency in the industry. Who are they helping by informing 1 person through a source? Tell FSC or at least a second source so it doesn’t look like a “he said she said”. Please tell me what type of people would be confident enough to leak to 1 blog, but not to help others? So weird to me. You want to stay just hidden enough to keep doubt on this story and keep a stoppage from occurring? What sense does that make? I truly don’t understand the logic of not sounding alarms. These performers could contact FSC, let them no to take serious precautions, validate the story and stay anonymous to the outside world. What the eff are they doing?

By: erik2690 Fri, 29 Nov 2013 05:45:14 +0000 In reply to Lacey Blake.

Seems to make sense. I would argue that most regulating structures in any industry can be deceived if someone wanted to. Most regulating structures can never have 100% of the information. If the scenario you laid out about someone with HIV gaming the system took place, as a person I would have trouble blaming that on anyone but that person. You can’t ask any organization to control every action. If someone goes to those lengths to knowingly expose others, that is 100% on them. I think if a statement is made like press releases people would assume it is only based on the knowledge available. If they would say “no HIV that we could detect”, that would be more factual, but people here would then attack for tricky “that we could detect” wording. If made as a factual statement it is attacked because they can’t possibly know for sure. I understand your overall point, not to trust FSC to know much. Based on that principal you can’t then say “Mike is right because he says someone told him this was true”. Hopefully more facts will come soon, from somewhere.

By: richard373 Fri, 29 Nov 2013 05:39:30 +0000 LurkingReader you do not explain at all what 2257 has do with blog above. Lawsuite keep saying confirmed ever thing you have state here so far off subject blog it laughable . I am still wait see what effect are talking about 2257 has had on matter of FSC have a pedophilia funding working in it. Look how desperate this gotten have people not in porn inusdrty toss ever stupid excuse conspiracy theory prove there right r on matter with FSC yet they can not confrim there right with concrete facts they use in stead there limited knowledge of what they do know about indusrty than state thing like 2257 supports them must make them right. LurkingReader only thing have done made ever one over at FSC laugh really hard with opions. If Diane Duke was reading your opions she be laugh so hard at them she be weting her self from laughing her ass off at them. You do not have worry about make FSC look bad becuase you did do so. You did one good job on this in my opion not any one else embarrassing self on this matter. If want keep on doing that fine buy me LurkingReader. I have said what want on this matter done repsond to you over it. Good day

By: LurkingReader Fri, 29 Nov 2013 05:16:42 +0000 In reply to erik2690.


Your theory is entirely plausible….no hard facts to develop any conclusions. That is the way FSC seems to like it.

Learned most of what I know about FSC from their public postings, AVN, xbiz etc and then researched with help the lawsuits….turned my stomach….there are people here who can tell you three months ago…I had no clue..didn’t understand why they wouldn’t do an initial antibody test for HIV, then do PCR screening…heard voice of experience when they said…it’s all about the money in porn.

Recall going around..industry standards..expecting that any and all legitimate industries would do all they could to prevent this stuff coming back time &time again to haunt them..causing three moratoriums in one year…sure STAKEHOLDER producers had enough content to tide them over..what about independents and performers? It was preventable.

By: Lacey Blake Fri, 29 Nov 2013 05:02:50 +0000 In reply to Toby.

The other thing to keep in mind is the FSC are ONLY talking about performers who are in the PASS system where the ONLY information available is a Y/N (yes
to work or no to work.) The FSC doesn’t get individual test results. The only thing they would know is who is available to work and who isn’t…
Meaning someone could have tested HIV+, they would be listed as unavailable to work in PASS and public health officials would be notified. THAT’S IT.
FSC wouldn’t know anything about it unless the performer told FSC.

To make it even MORE complicated… A performer tests HIV+ and is listed as unavailable to work. The performer steps out or retires from the business for a while during which time they take enough anti-virals to get their viral load low enough to not show up on test results.

Go back to testing center and test again. Get a clean test since their viral loads are undetectable via testing and they’re back at work in no time.

And, the FSC didn’t know a fucking thing about it.

This is why when the FSC makes these stupid press releases that no one is infected all of us roll our eyes and laugh.

There is no way possible for them to make this statement!! The FSC isn’t the CDC or even county health officials. So, how in the fuck would the FSC even know enough information to make a claim that there are no infections???

Given HIPPA laws, It’s impossible for them to know. The CDC or health officials could give you statistics, but they can’t release info. either.

Y/N is all the FSC has to go on unless a testing facility leaks it or the performer tells them.

By: erik2690 Fri, 29 Nov 2013 04:57:43 +0000 In reply to LurkingReader.

Certainly. No way to know for sure. I felt like people were making it seem like an impossible scenario for that specific incident to happen off set. I was simply making the point that it didn’t seem wholly improbable to me.Granted I was just talking about that specific circumstance. You certainly seem to know more about the past and pattern of the FSC than I do.

By: acftmech Fri, 29 Nov 2013 04:56:05 +0000 Well nobodu wants to discuss the fact that are patients went to a gyno or primary doc who discovered illness. Second I don’t know is if you don’t hit a pass testing lab every month or two weekz will your name go inactive or unavailable like a positive std test? I bet diane duke could due a little detective work and see how many didn’t retest starting 3 weks ago that are now inactive. Hell I guess to keep that std clean industry Is to keep saying active performers. Poor girl and guy find out they have std from their regular doctor they won’t test at cet or similar lab to find out as a dirty person. They will go inactive till thry test clean. So Diane Duke and FSC how many persons went inactive in the last 3 weeks? I am betting well over 2. Hate tell you cal-osha can get redacted std data from the health department with only profession and infection reported dares to justify telling you to take a flying leap and condoms and other precautins to protect general public from your cesspool overrides your free speech arguments.

To lace, lurking, brooke taylor, and Mike. Happy thanksgiving and hope you have a great weekend.
