Comments on: Rodney Moore Remembers Bobby Genova The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Wed, 12 Jul 2023 14:47:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: mharris127 Fri, 15 Feb 2013 19:50:53 +0000 RIP Bob.

As for $650 a scene, those were the days to make money as a LBO-type business. Today the talent and crew alone even for an amateur scene would cost more than $650 although you would probably get two or three scenes out of the $800 you paid a porn chick and the $500-$600 paid to a stunt cock. Crew costs (with a two man crew) would be at least $200, it would be that cheap only if you hired illegal Mexicans off of the Lowe’s parking lot (in a large city if you want something done cheap you show up to Lowe’s or Home Depot’s parking lot at 6am and make it known what you need done — you will likely have ten people to choose from, paid under the table of course). Learn some Spanish, give your day labor a crash course in how to use your equipment and hope they do a decent job — otherwise established crew would cost at least $500 per day for two crew members. $1500 in labor divided by three scenes (optimistically) is $500 just in labor costs. Add in location costs (if you don’t film it in your own residence) and amortized costs for camera, lights, and those little things like light cords/bulbs, condoms and baby wipes and you are over what this guy was paying for a scene already! I can only imagine what it costs Mike to film in Georgia and Florida without much established crew to compete partially on price, probably $700-$1000 for two crew people although the talent may be cheaper as he is the only game in town for porn and he seems getting people that mainly want to fuck on camera a few times (from what I have seen those women are the best talent to have, actually) — other than Lindsey Lovehands and Adella I don’t see his talent vying for the LA porn biz (or in many cases even stripping).
