Comments on: Porn Addiction Is A Religious Myth The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Thu, 13 Jul 2023 10:17:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: MikeSouth Wed, 03 Sep 2014 01:29:45 +0000 In reply to jimmyd.

dont I know it man…

By: jimmyd Wed, 03 Sep 2014 01:27:02 +0000 In reply to MikeSouth.

To sort of paraphrase Margold, porn’s biggest enemies are porn folks themselves. It’s 100% true in so many ways.

By: jimmyd Wed, 03 Sep 2014 01:23:08 +0000 In reply to MikeSouth.

Funny how I was supposed to go on the road with them and do the college circuit debates — because I disagreed with them on so many issues regarding porn — but then they hooked up with Ronnie and I was out repping porn’s side of the debates… No biggie tho. And Ronnie certainly could and would pull more of an audience than I ever would, but it was interesting how, when Ronnie oft stated he likes those guys and actually agrees with them on many issues, plus that they’re friends and all, it was all okay, him being Ronnie and all. But when I did some stuff with them and made some similar statements, I was the enemy of porn.

By: MikeSouth Wed, 03 Sep 2014 01:16:04 +0000 In reply to jimmyd.

I remember very well, I also remember that you were wise enough to understand that while JC’s Girls may not agree with everything we do it doesn’t make them our enemies, and it can make them a valuable ally. Its what I dnt get about the people in porn, its always been this yer either for us or against us mentality…I live it every day. Take the FSC, at one time I was a member and I gave them a lot of money…thousands. but that didnt give me a right to my own opinion even back then, if I disagreed with anything they wanted to do or did it made me an enemy. Its even worse now.

Ive had people say why dont you run for the board and make a change…Im like ya right do you really think Mark kwernes and Diane Duke and Jeffery Douglas would allow me on the board? Look what happened to Amber Lynn and others the structure is set up to prevent anyone who disagrees with Diane Duke from being on the board and the result is the top down corruption you see there today, but the only way Diane will lose that job is if Douglas, kernes, Schecter and others vote her out…do you really thinks thats gonna happen? They put me in the AVN Hall of Fame before they let that happen and to quote Mark Kernes on that he told me they would burn the Hall of Fame to the ground before I would be allowed in. Now I realize as do you that there is no “hall” but you get the point.

As I am sure you know If I were in L.A. trying to make a liviing in porn would have had to sell out or go black a long time ago.

By: jimmyd Wed, 03 Sep 2014 01:01:43 +0000 You might recall, some years back, when I became, for a time, something of an industry pariah because of my associations with the XXX Church. One thing I constantly disagreed with them on was this “porn addiction” notion. Eventually, we agreed to disagree on that subject. I thought it was bullshit then and I think it’s bullshit now.

By: jilted Mon, 01 Sep 2014 22:03:28 +0000 There is no doubting the science that viewing porn stimulates certain areas of the mind, the endorphins, and all that stuff. But lots of other pleasurable things do the same thing, like for me its fishing. I get that rush everytime if feel that “hit” on my line, like I am sure Mike does too. Does that mean I am addicted to fishing, no, i just like it.

I do not believe in porn additction either. But for some, there is always, ‘too much of a good thing.’ When you have any person, who is spending hours a day viewing porn, and their are many who do it, it can be a problem, that cant be denied. When you see how many divorce papers include viewing pornography as one of the reasons for the divorce, it cant be denied that ‘some’ people have a ‘problem’ with porn. But the problem lies in the individual, not in the porn industry.

By: LurkingReader Mon, 01 Sep 2014 17:12:20 +0000 ‘Porn Addiction’ isn’t new and plenty who never stepped into a church are reddit no fap regulars, SA members or seeking treatment at any number of private options. Treatment for porn addiction has become a thriving industry for those who see porn as the issue vs the underlying reality proved by Pavlov and his dogs.

Doesn’t matter if it’s food, drugs, socializing or sex…dopamine & affirmation feel good so we want more.

By: crazyfrankie56 Mon, 01 Sep 2014 15:39:47 +0000 RT @MikeSouth1226: Porn Addiction Is A Religious Myth

By: MikeSouth1226 Mon, 01 Sep 2014 14:55:12 +0000 Porn Addiction Is A Religious Myth
