Comments on: Mike Kulich Wants To make A Difference…Donates All To Childhood Cancer Research The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Fri, 14 Jul 2023 10:22:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: mikekulich Tue, 24 Feb 2015 23:07:58 +0000 Post your contract for ABC News contracting you exclusively for adult news stories. I call bullshit. I have had my clients placed on Vice, CNBC, CNN, Cosmo, Gawker, Forbes, HuffPo, NY Post, among many others. I have had over 10 stories gone viral, all in my first year of business.

The difference between you and me? You have been doing this for what? 15 years? Me? 2 years. 1 Year for outside clients.

Fact is, I really don’t give a shit what you make or anything you do. This is obviously some pissing contest to you on whose dick is bigger but I don’t measure success by the size of my checkbook and I feel sorry for anyone who does. I can pay all my bills, provide my son the best medical care possible, put him in the best private school, and give back to charities that mean something to me. In my life that is all that matters to me. Not impressing some douchebag who talks shit about everyone in the PR game.

You said from the day I announced I was starting my PR company I would never be successful. You were wrong. I don’t know why you still feel the need to talk shit. You’re a pussy ass keyboard warrior. I know for a fact you would never say shit to my face.

Also, no need for the free log-in. I can find more than enough videos of your girlfriend sucking other guys cocks on your client’s tubesites.

By: Kbizzleinthehizzle Tue, 24 Feb 2015 21:05:40 +0000 PS- Kulich I am glad you find my fiancee to be a “piece of ass”
I can send you a password since you are on a fixed income if you’d like to FAP to her.

By: Kbizzleinthehizzle Tue, 24 Feb 2015 21:03:20 +0000 In reply to mikekulich.

Kulich you are a fucking ASSCLOWN.
I would love to match my tax return sot yours homie to show you just how insignificant you are.

I have a book being written by a huge writer as eel speak and it delves into the early days of online porn. U know the days when companies made $15 -20Million dollars a MONTH.

You’d be lucky to have made $2,000 a month. And no I don’t troll porn message boards- I read Mike’s site from time to time for ABC News who I am retained by to do stories during sweeps.

Who retains your services?
Jizz moppers ?

By: CPanzram Mon, 23 Feb 2015 15:07:19 +0000 In reply to Anonymous.

At least he isn’t donating DVD’s for them to sell to get the money. This is an improvement.

By: Anonymous Sun, 22 Feb 2015 19:01:09 +0000 Mike Kulich will do anything for attention like post pictures on facebook of a $10000 check. Who does that? People who really donate money do it without shouting from the rooftops. I agree with Kevin. Kulich seems to be quite a bully himself on social media and shouldn’t be going after him.

By: mharris127 Sun, 22 Feb 2015 05:01:39 +0000 In reply to LurkingReader.

OK. I felt that I had commented as much as necessary on that subject anyway.

By: mikekulich Sat, 21 Feb 2015 18:50:51 +0000 In reply to jilted.

And for the record Kevin (kbizzleforthesizzle), My son is 10 times the man you will ever be, and he still shits in his pants. Not everything is play for PR. Porn isn’t my life, it is my job. If you hate the porn business so much then just fucking leave. No one wants you here anyways. My mission in life is to raise money and raise awareness in fighting Childhood Cancer. I volunteer in hospitals, I donate money, I give blood twice a month. I have a purpose in my life that isn’t a selfish one that only revolves around myself and putting money in my wallet. I love my life and I feel complete and I am only 28 years old. Can you say the same for yourself? No. You’re just a balding middle aged fatass who somehow pulled a decent piece of ass who spends his days reading blogs and trolling people in the comments, but I guess that makes you feel good about yourself. Fucking pathetic.

By: LurkingReader Sat, 21 Feb 2015 07:44:58 +0000 In reply to mharris127.


I don’t know who or which comments he directed his tirade at …my response to the reply posted under my comment stands as do my f/u w you. Clearly this hit a personal spot for me in a way nothing has since my first post on this site and that’s my issue.

Wasting time guessing motives and considering alternative scenarios does nothing to change the depths that parents are affected when their child endures long term catastrophic illness or the depth of those feelings even years later when shit happens. It happened ..please drop it.

By: jilted Sat, 21 Feb 2015 07:08:51 +0000 In reply to mikekulich.

There is a time and place for everything. We are all sinners and saints in our own worlds, winnners and loosers in our own ways. We have all experience victories and losses, and fought battles that we would have rather not fought, but we did, because thats what family does, brothers, sisters, mothers fathers, friends

So this guy comes along, he works in the porn industry, and he finds out his toddler has leukemia, and i guarantee you this guys world fell apart faster than a speeding bullet. I dont know how it turned out for the child, I hope he was able to pull through, and it makes dad think about the big picture, and dad decides to give some money to charity, and what does he get,,,,grief from some douchebags on a porn discussion site.

Whatever problem you might have with MK, I am sure there are other places to talk about it. What a fucking douchebag move for anyone to use this forum to attack this very cool deed. Show an ounce of class people, just say thanks if you got nothing else nice to say, and take the crap somewhere else.

No good deed goes unpunished, unfortunately not ONLY IN PORN

Fuck them all MK. Do whatever the hell you like with your money and ignore those who really just wish they had the financial means to do what you’re doing, and thanks to those who join you and decide to help.

By: mharris127 Sat, 21 Feb 2015 05:32:34 +0000 In reply to LurkingReader.

Lurk, his comment was probably ill-advised, I agree. I just said I don’t think the Kevin Blatt bit was aimed at you. Kbizzle’s comments are just as ill-advised. Obviously there is bad blood between them and we all got to see some of it.

As for Mr. Kulich (or anyone eise in porn) paying attorneys with product instead of a good check or credit card, I suspect that won’t go too far. If anyone attempted that with me I would immediately escalate collection actions against that person. A few performers (literally) do sell their DVDs on their websites (usually autographed and with an 8 X 10 photo) so maybe that is where he got the idea to give product to performers in lieu of a raise in pay — the cute and adorable Aaliyah Love gets $49.95 a DVD that way. Unfortunately most do not so his proposal went nowhere fast, about as far as offering Bonnie Rotten’s “services” for a night to a performer instead of paying with a check (honestly I don’t know how Ms. Rotten even got a single scene with her tattoos, she honestly looks like she needs a shower, soap, washcloth and scrub brush — I actually feel sorry for her and think she should cut the dick and balls off of whoever put those tattoos on her).
