Comments on: Isadore Hall The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Sat, 08 Jul 2023 08:56:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: Nick East Tue, 23 Dec 2014 14:55:00 +0000 Congratulations, Senator Hall!!!!! I know you will do an amazing job!!!!! And Merry Christmas, sir! Come to think of it,,, Merry Christmas to all of you out there reading this!!!!!!!!!

By: LurkingReader Tue, 23 Dec 2014 04:22:36 +0000 In reply to mharris127.

To everyone:

Happy Holidays, I hope you get to spend time with those nearest and dearest to you doing what you enjoy most!


I promise to continue taking issue with your comments if you promise to retain your charming perspectives in the new year…I will do my best to attack your crazy ass schemes while remaining respectful to you as a fellow human…and for what it’s worth my neighbor has agreed to leaving you out of his wine for entertainment deals…if I let him play with new Lego collection 😉

By: LurkingReader Tue, 23 Dec 2014 03:54:32 +0000 In reply to erik2690.


I don’t speak for Mike or anyone else…simply wanted to acknowledge that many politicians and civil servants have been discussed through your commenting hiatus.

Was rushing earlier and knew comment was poorly worded so I’ll assume this led to your taking my reference to Hall’s predecessor as a comparison instead of the intended example of massive campaign finance and officeholder abuse California is addressing.

Given the number of recent stitched together officeholder finance reporting changes in CA it isn’t surprise someone is being outed for reporting taxpayer/donor financed vacations. Most of the changes amount to a leaky bucket crooked politicians are touting as a solid vessel to appease voters demanding change/accountability for years of openly accepted pay to play culture in CA.

With that said my position remains…I’m less concerned with politicians reporting vacations as business trips than those who are still operating under the radar counting on peers to excuse, justify or otherwise loophole their transgressions where the price tag is a future favor…IG a vote, burying legislation deemed inconvenient to a cash cow or some other favorable procedural rules activity intended to render voters and the public like mushrooms….kept in the dark and fed shit.

By: mharris127 Tue, 23 Dec 2014 00:30:36 +0000 In reply to jilted.

Jilted, Lurk, Mike and everyone else reading — Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa and Happy New Year! Whether we agree or not let’s keep it relatively civil over the next year.

By: mharris127 Tue, 23 Dec 2014 00:24:36 +0000 In reply to jilted.

Jilted, AHF making a run to take over testing may be their “ace in the hole”, what they plan on doing if nothing else works. As you can probably surmise from my comments this isn’t over. Weinstein is in this for the long haul — unfortunately — and he may come up with some tricks that even Mike or I can’t predict. Unfortunately predictions can occasionally be wrong but I don’t think my prediction that Weinstein has something else up his sleeve will come out that way — I also predict he will make another run at attempting to get his asinine requirements through the legislature again in 2015, especially with his best buddy Izzy Hall back in action (porn industry supporters such as myself are having trouble holding back screams of frustration and anger at that one, I am sure Peter Acworth will wish he had that cocaine someone left in his armory and got him arrested with while walking to the toilet to dispose of it, he might have actually wanted to try snorting it for the first time right now or at least drink a fifth of scotch upon reading the news to deaden the seething anger against the voters in LA County for putting that cocksucker Izzy back in the legislature — hell, if I were Peter I would want a whole truckload of Dilaudid along with a couple of bottles of Thorazine to deaden the pain of that one). I also predict if somehow Weinstein and Co. got their condom mandate passed and if porn companies did not leave CA in droves as a result they would next come up with something else to prod porn into leaving the state like onerous permitting fees, a doctor on set or something that I could not have predicted. Peter Acworth has already acted on the possibility of getting out of town by renting space in NV for filming so he can quickly move if the shit hits the fan, Derek Hay has also opened an office there so more than likely if a condom mandate passed and enforcement started picking up they would just move lock, stock and barrel out of CA. Steve Hirsch has also discussed moving out of CA and has already moved production out of LA County in response to their condom mandate. Just because Porno Dan can use condoms in his scenes routinely (which are much easier on performers than most such as or Evil Angel scenes) doesn’t mean all of porn can do so. Yes, Las Vegas is almost as hot as Hell in the summer (Marin County CA is much nicer to live in) but I would still film there rather than let Weinstein and Izzy dictate how I make my movies.

By: jilted Mon, 22 Dec 2014 23:03:10 +0000 @Mharris,
For years now, here and on other forums you have been making these ridiculous preditions, just like here,,,thousand dollar permits, a doctor on set, daily vd testing, hosts of performers suffering from condom rash, all of these ‘sky is falling’ predictions. YOU also have said several times that AHF was going to take over the testing program. Well its been two years since AIM closed and AHF has not made one single move to take over the testing,,,,,just wondering if you had any comments on that. Its been years now, so why arent they doing the testing?

@Harris,,,,Although we disagree, and at times I am pretty sure you dont have a clue what youre talking about, BUT,,,,,,,Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy, Safe, New Year.

By: erik2690 Mon, 22 Dec 2014 22:09:15 +0000 In reply to LurkingReader.

Oh…. yes the old the enemy you know is better. A very high bar. ‘No, see this guys assholery is being reported so that means he isn’t that bad’. lol. Listen if he’s a good politician that you agree with that’s cool, but there is no need to try to spin the facts. Again, I don’t know the guy’s politics too well, I’m purely speaking to the posts I’ve seen about him here be completely uncritical. I mean this was a post essentially giving him a pat on the back for winning a barely contested election. I just think that’s odd and is being done based mostly on 1 issue that Mike agrees with this guy on.

By: mharris127 Mon, 22 Dec 2014 17:25:23 +0000 In reply to MikeSouth.

Mike, IMO attempting to work with Izzy Hall (Izzy is the common short name for Isadore, using it is not an attempt to insult him — we all know I am capable of better insults than that anyway) is worth a try but if he continues to insist on mandatory condoms it will just prove my point that he is trying to run porn out of CA. I support condom optional (it has worked for Kink and Vivid for years now) and producers paying for testing (a $25 charge for producers accessing test results for each performer on the day of the scene with talent paying nothing would work IMO, thanks Lurk for the general idea) but with the problems inherent in using condoms on set a condom mandate just isn’t workable. Maybe Izzy would be more amenable to a compromise if Weinstein weren’t in the picture, I don’t know. However, I strongly suspect this is a moral crusade to eliminate the porn industry in CA disguised as a safety campaign, if that is the case then we have a problem in Sacramento. Also, certainly someone(s) at Cal-OSHA is/are using ambiguous law meant for the medical field to justify forcing condoms on performers as well, that is certainly using ambiguity in law to run porn out of the state as well. I hope Nevada doesn’t take the same path, I think if my hunch is correct and Izzy Hall and the powers that be at Cal-OSHA are on a moral crusade here the adult film industry is better off moving than continuing to fight in CA as this is costing the industry millions of dollars a year in fines and other costs and too many influential people in CA are using this to run the adult film industry out of the state. I understand not running away from problems but this one is something that porn just cannot win. It helps my position here that in Nevada taxes are about half of what they are in CA and operating costs such as rent/mortgage, permits, etc. are much cheaper as well, if the condom crusade is not successful I suspect the next battle would be an attempt to tax porn out of the state with excessive and onerous permitting requirements costing thousands of dollars per scene/movie along with roadblocks like licensing requirements for performers (with the licenses costing thousands of dollars per performer), daily VD testing and required MD/DO on set.

By: LurkingReader Mon, 22 Dec 2014 15:22:49 +0000 In reply to erik2690.


If you read my comments you’ll see I speak about many politicians and judges…Gatto got quite a bit of attention from me last summer as did many of the Assembly & Senate members with committee votes on AB1576. Not living in CA as it nears election time I tend to focus politicians more directly related to issues affecting my daily life.

If you take a peek at recent post on 9th circuit ruling you’ll see I mentioned porn friendly judge kozinski.

Not sure how familiar you are with California politics…IG the guy Hall is replacing was bagged last January but hung on till his outright conviction which got postponed conveniently till just days after election…allowing him to collect his salary & perks till he has to resign per legislative body rules. Point I was heading to is that California has rampant problems with politicians accepting paid travel so I’m much less concerned with those that are reporting vacation expenses as legislative research vs those that aren’t because they traded favors for all expense paid trips to Hawaii, Paris etc in exchange for future favors ala committee votes.

By: insider Mon, 22 Dec 2014 15:04:29 +0000 In reply to MikeSouth.

Thanks for the welcome Mike.
