Comments on: How Washington is Going to Take down Porn Valley Without Filing A Single Obscenity Charge. The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Wed, 23 Jun 2010 02:42:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: MikeSouth Wed, 23 Jun 2010 02:42:07 +0000 Good find I been gathering info on shelly off and on all day for a coming srticle

thats outstanding info

By: Cocaine_Incorporated Tue, 22 Jun 2010 23:55:49 +0000 Have any of you ever checked this out? As a 501(c)(3), the Pink Cross (2009) Tax Returns are public record. Here is also the Pink Cross (2008) Tax Return.

It kind of makes your stomach turn. You should really look at this and see how you feel about the numbers. In 2008, nothing seems to have gone to any person in need…mostly salary and travel. Of $125,100 in donations for 2009, at most $14,107.00 appears to have gone directly to help any people the organization claims to help. $1500 went to Lobbying, though not illegal by a 501(c)(3) has some serious restrictions which keeps most non-profits from doing it. Here are some more highlights:

Other Expenses: Outreach: $13,176.00
This needs a definition, because by definition it is not outreach to those in need. From Wikipedia: Outreach is an effort by individuals in an organization or group to connect its ideas or practices to the efforts of other organizations, groups, specific audiences or the general public. Unlike marketing, outreach does not inherently revolve around a product or strategies to increase market share.

Compensation for current officers, directors, trustees, and key employees: $44,468
Fees for services (non-employees) :Other: $7,963.00
Other Expenses: All other expenses (It makes reference to #5. Compensation for current officers, directors, trustees, and key employees. That seems kind of odd to me. ???): $11,615.00
Payroll Taxes: $4,868.00
Travel: $10,075.00
Conferences, conventions, and meetings: $4,773

11% seems to have actually gone to help those in need.
In comparison
12% went to Travel, Conferences, Conventions and meetings
11% went to soliciting other organization’s support (Outreach)
55% went to Payroll, Payroll taxes, non employee services, and “other” (that references Payroll)

Can you sinceely say that you believe the numbers from these returns suggest she is helping anyone but herself?

By: Cocaine_Incorporated Tue, 22 Jun 2010 22:16:47 +0000 You want more ammunition?

Herpes, for instance, can take up to 3 months before enough antibodies show up to create a positive test result…3 months. So when Shelley and her supporters try to point out that X number of porn performers tested positive for Herpes within the first 6 months of working in porn…point this out. Anyone who flags positive in the first 3 months would have too high a margin of error of infection time to accurately conclude they were infected by porn. You have to remove that from the equation before you can even calculate your data set. She would have to remove that period and try to focus on anyone who had a negative test coming in and at 3 months working, and flagged positive between 3-6 months after entering porn. Even then, she’d have to show that the remaining members of the data set absolutely were infected in a porn environment, and not a personal environment, to establish cause and effect. That would be virtually impossible in the uncontrolled environment you have to work with!

Ask her the margin of error for the tests whose results she is referencing. Actually, I think you’ll have to look it up yourself, because I’m certain she doesn’t know. Then go do some research on “Baye’s Rule.” The nutshell explanation: The true probabilities of actually having a disease you’ve been flagged positive for are much smaller than you think. Either way you apply Baye’s Rule in this case, it is going to hurt her claims. Either she claims that the general public has a much lower percentage probability than porn of having an STD, and Baye’s Rule will show that many less people actually have the STD than tested positive, which diminishes her argument OR she has to admit that the general population also has a much larger percentage chance of having the STD in order to validate the accuracy of the positive test results…which also diminishes her argument in this case (since she’s trying to argue that porn performers have a higher probability of acquiring an STD than the general public.)

And as hard an embarassing as it may be…when she says “I am one of those women,” statistically 2 out of every 3 women in the crowd also have an STD and need to stand up and yell “so what? I have an STD and I was never a porn performer!!!” Someone needs to jump up out of their chair and remind the crowd that every single person seated in the room is twice as likely to have an STD, than they are to not have an STD. In a random sample of human beings, statistically, Shelley Lubben is more likely to have an STD, than she is to be female.

By: juliemeadows Tue, 22 Jun 2010 07:11:02 +0000 I think she’s sexually frustrated. I think she is not unlike the “holy” and repressed antagonist in the movie Au Chocolat, the patriarch whose wife has left him but he can’t really talk about it because his position has painted him into a corner. I think she wages her passionate war against the one outlet that probably gave her a lot of physical pleasure, but a lot of emotional pain because sex work is not something to cuddle up with at night. We all want love and understanding, but I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: “I’d rather be alone and happy, than with someone and unhappy.” I think she is in the kind of relationship I used to be in, where she finds that reaching out to the masses fills some kind of empty aching need to be accepted, because she is not getting her fulfillment within her “Christian” union. I think she fills incomplete and she’s using religion to fill the gap. I think she’s a fake and a phony, but I also know that if she were willing to say so, and repent for actual wrongs, she’d get nothing but absolute compassion from me. I’ve been there, and helping others should help a little, but it doesn’t fill the void. Only you can do that. I understand, if you could be honest enough to reveal yourself completely. There is no glory in being real. It is a cold and lonely place, but you can attract to yourself real people. You may not grow rich from it, you may not buy your way into Heaven, but the salvation you find right here on earth is priceless. It only requires that you are really honest. The gift is so much better then the rewards greedy people promise you. There is a salvation better than gold, lady. An open heart is richer than all the treasures you can imagine. Being poor is not the worst thing a human being can endure. Living a lie – that is the worst thing a human being can endure.

By: Cocaine_Incorporated Tue, 22 Jun 2010 05:04:30 +0000 I honestly can’t believe any of you watch this video, and not immediately see the signs that she is psychologically disturbed. Would you like me to go through this babble line by line and show you how her house of cards works? I’d be more than happy to. I’d be more than happy to be the person in the public debate filmed by nightline she wants. Did you notice she consistently refers to porn stars as “they” and prostitutes as “we”? Is it freudian or is she still taking money for sex? Why does she go after porn with a hatred, yet consistently seems to ease up on prostitution, is it really just the camera in the room she hates? Or is prostitution really better because sometimes “we” get a meal? How often do porn stars get murdered “on set” vs how often do prostitutes get murdered by a john? She certainly seems to dress herself and wear her makeup in the fashion of a prostitute.

Do you understand that the STD numbers don’t mean a damn thing unless compared to some other benchmark? How many STDs were there among high school kids at Los Angeles Unified School District in the exact same time period? How many of the positive STD tests were first time tests for new talent that had never done a scene yet, having acquired the STD not as a result of porn? How many of the positive tests were from the same person being retested, still coming up positive. More than 66% of all parents intentionally expose their children to Herpes, an incurable disease. It’s called Chicken Pox. How many of your own parents took you to a friend or schoolmates who had chicken pox, just so you would get it at a time that was convenient for your parents, or your school schedule? Conservatively, scientific research consistently agrees that 50 -80% of all U.S. citizens have herpes…the median of that number…65%. Which means that porn performers are no more or less likely than the average U.S. citizen to have a sexually transmitted form of herpes. She talks about Steve Driver and porn suicides, saying no other industry has these kind of statistics. That is fucking bullshit, people. The phrase “going postal” didn’t come out of nowhere. College campuses have a higher suicide and murder rate than porn. Catholic Church (child molestation, Spanish Inquisition), U.S. Military (not just fighting, but look up Fort Hood and suicide rates.) U.S./Mexican border patrol. Los Angeles county jail has a higher death rate with armed guards around than porn. She throws around numbers that may be accurate on their own, but hold no real value other than a perceived shock value. You aren’t given any facts about the data set at all, in order to know what the counts even mean. If someone asks me how many women I slept with, and I say 5…what exactly does my answer mean. Have I slept with 5 in my entire life, or 5 today…big damn difference, huh?

I’ve never been in porn and frankly I could give a fuck about it one way or another or the impact Shelley Lubben has on it. I could have cared less about this woman if it hadn’t been for the very condescending way she addressed someone I care about, without having been provoked or insulted in any way prior to doing so. I do know one thing though, I can go through her emails and the blog posts where she has made comments and clearly see the passive / aggressive way she treats people. She’ll talk to you and say I love you and all this sticky sweet insincere bullshit, and then right in the middle of it she’ll throw out some really fucked up, derogatory dig at the person. I don’t care what she is fighting for or against, either way that is a person that is a piece of shit in my book. Read her comments on this website really close and you’ll see what I’m talking about. I came to realize yesterday that she reminds me of John Wayne Gacy. She throws on a lot of makeup and puts on an act that she is some kind of wonderful caring human being, but inside she’s just as fucking evil as they come, and if you look really close she’s not all that great at hiding the monster. It slips out a lot in subtle ways. Watch this video again, find some other video of her (like the one where she insults the Korean lady), take a real good look at her comments on this website and the nasty insults she slips in. I’ll say it again: obsessively fighting against porn…is still being addicted to porn. The Pink Cross? You know what crosses are for, to fucking crucify people!!!

By: MikeSouth Mon, 21 Jun 2010 19:12:14 +0000 Ya Porn Valley has a storm coming, and this is a from a rock solid source, not just conjecture on my part, although Stevie Wonder could see this coming….

By: mharris127 Mon, 21 Jun 2010 18:25:49 +0000 This is scary, and I haven’t even viewed the video yet. What you say does make sense, though. The American Families Association operated out of a house in Fremont, Michigan is also involved in trying to eliminate porn. About twenty years ago, I had a woman I knew that attended a church supporting this organization get me on their subscribers list so I could read a few of their newsletters. I can’t find them now, but what their goals were/are is scary — my mother was even alarmed with what they supported. The worst thing is that I knew this guy’s (I forgot his first name, his last is Johnson, I won’t list the kid’s name for privacy reasons) kid, he stole from everyone he could and ended up in jail on a year’s sentence two weeks before his high school graduation. He even stole old yearbooks from the yearbook class he was in (I was a community volunteer helping with the HS yearbook during this time). He also lost a full-ride scholarship to several universities with his activities! This is what came of the kid of a constitution-bashing person that wants to control what everyone does. I’ll give the kid credit, he did not have a problem with people doing porn (he got a quick look at my brother’s bedroom at my parent’s house, it had Playboy pictures hanging from the walls) and was very open-minded and thought that people should be able to do their thing and not worry about the courts or police. I was one of the people that was surprised when he was arrested and what he was arrested for, he actually seemed like a nice kid! I even had him over to my home a couple of times when he was in school and even stopped in to my parent’s home with him with me (he did not steal from me or them, thankfully).

By: terriredor Mon, 21 Jun 2010 04:07:51 +0000 Great post, Mike.

By: MikeSouth1226 Mon, 21 Jun 2010 00:24:11 +0000 [New Post] How Washington is Going to Take down Porn Valley Without Filing A Single Obscenity Charge. – via #twitoaster
