Comments on: How to post without writing anything: The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Sun, 22 Feb 2009 19:25:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: MikeSouth Sun, 22 Feb 2009 19:25:07 +0000 yall are making my head hurt LOL

By: backspace Sun, 22 Feb 2009 16:45:27 +0000 lol. next post please.

By: goodwill Sun, 22 Feb 2009 14:08:28 +0000 I’ll save the character assassination for the blogs you actually write as long as you promise to do the same. Deal?

Also, you chose not to understand my point. A 10, being called anything other than a 10, is justified in taking offense. Or, if you like, an agreement, being called such because of agreement with mere detail, can only justifiably be called a disagreement.

By: KaydenKross Sun, 22 Feb 2009 08:35:48 +0000 Why don’t you save the character assassination for the blogs I actually write. If I had agreed with it 100% I would have said so. I have a pretty good history speaking my mind.

That is one of the most empty statements I’ve ever heard from you– the broad and obvious point that one can always be called worse.

By: goodwill Sat, 21 Feb 2009 11:23:25 +0000 Come now Kayden, you posted that because you agreed with it. People who are tens become agitated when they are called fives. Does it matter that they could have been called zeroes.

Part of what I admire about hookers and porn stars is their unintentional honesty. Please don’t spoil that for me.

By: backspace Sat, 21 Feb 2009 08:44:24 +0000 so actually it’s not about prostitutes but a guy who hates his job. i get it. well i have no sympathy for that. first of all why’d the guy compare his sh*tty predicament to a profession he probably knows little of and would never get into himself? without realizing it the guy baited people to respond negatively to his rant by not having a f*cking clue what he was talking about.

By: KaydenKross Sat, 21 Feb 2009 03:41:51 +0000 The author is just some dude on myspace who hates his job and vented in this email. I don’t think this is an issue of self esteem, I don’t think he’ll end up on welfare, and he’s not some chick trying to defend life choices. I think the idea comes across as extreme but I posted it because it was interesting. What’s even more interesting is how riled up people get about being called a prostitute, as if it were on the level of thieves and murderers. I’ve done it before too, and it still amazes me how strongly people react to that word.

By: harold Sat, 21 Feb 2009 01:07:23 +0000 And i agre with Mike, Goddess hit this one right on the head. Future welfare recipient for sure.

By: harold Sat, 21 Feb 2009 01:06:31 +0000 Fishing boat captain, now theres a job that wouldnt be so bad. This is classic psych 101 denial. This author, who obviously regrets her life choices, is attempting to discredit everybody else just to make herself feel a little less miserable. The complete lack of any self esteem is as evident as the nose on your face.
I sell my time, skill and knowledge to earn my living. A prostitute sell her time, mouth, ass, vagina, and any other body part that her “patron” wants to pay for. There is no comparison.

By: MikeSouth Fri, 20 Feb 2009 17:44:22 +0000 I think Goddess nailed it on that one.

But if you enjoy your job, be it as a prostitute, a nurse or a fishing boat captain I do think you should have every right to perform that job without society trying to impugn you for it….

well cept maybe for politicians
