Comments on: Fleshlight To the Rescue The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Fri, 07 Jul 2023 16:51:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: richard373 Wed, 21 Mar 2012 20:39:00 +0000 3/21/2012 12:20 PM PST

School Says No To Porn Star Prom Date

–on the web

from – A Minnesota high school student who lined up a porn actress to be his senior prom date will not be allowed to take the adult star to the dance, has learned.

Mike Stone, 18, of Oakdale, Minn., sent hundreds of tweets this week to adult film stars asking them to accompany him to the May 12 dance at Tartan High School. Two actresses, Emy Reyes and Megan Piper, soon responded, with Reyes saying, “I would love tooo” [sic] and Piper agreeing to attend if Stone covered her travel costs from Los Angeles.

But Stone’s dream date won’t happen, according to school district officials.

Patty Phillips, superintendent of the North St. Paul-Maplewood-Oakdale School District, told in an email that Piper, 19, would be prohibited from attending the dance because her appearance would be “inconsistent” with two district policies pertaining to visitors to school buildings and sites.

The policy states that any individual or group can be denied entry to those events if the visit is “not in the best interest” of the district, district spokeswoman Jennifer McNeil told

Stone, who could not be reached for comment Wednesday, had sought to raise $400 for Piper’s ticket. Messages seeking comment from Piper and Reyes were not returned.

Stone’s foiled effort is the latest in a string of bold proposals to celebrities for formal occasions.

Actress Mila Kunis attended the Marine Corps Ball in Greenville, N.C., after Sgt. Scott Moore asked her to be his date via a YouTube video in November. That same month, Kunis’ “Friends With Benefits” co-star Justin Timberlake attended the Basic School Instructor Battalion 236th Marine Corps Birthday Ball in Richmond, Va., with Cpl. Kelsey De Santis.

Singer Taylor Swift was asked via Facebook to be the prom date of New Jersey high school student Kevin McGuire. Swift said she could not make it but instead asked the cancer battler to be her date to the Academy of Country Music Awards in Las Vegas on April 1.
