Comments on: Christian Mann Responds: The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Mon, 28 Jun 2010 20:40:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: tdpnate Mon, 28 Jun 2010 20:40:34 +0000 hey Mike…I know you’re a big fan of Eric and RYC and that’s great. Eric is doing a great job, but don’t just discount the efforts of everyone else to promote the guy you’re using. I’ve single-handedly taken down over 600k infringements this year for all the studios I represent. To say that Evil Angel isn’t doing anything about this is ludicrous and out and out not true. I’ll send you the excel spreadsheet showing you all the Evil Angel infringements I’ve removed in just a few months and it will blow your mind.

There is no studio out there that doesn’t have stuff on the piracy sites, to think that either me, Eric or anyone can just eradicate all instances of piracy is a pipedream. All we can do is try and mitigate it as best as possible. No one can stop a DVD from getting ripped and when pirates are ripping Blu Ray copies of Avatar that leads me to believe there’s not a lot we can do to stop our DVDs from being ripped. At that point the search is on and there’s only about 1000 top piracy sites, 100 top studios and each of those has 300-400 titles…you do the math.

I do all my DMCAs myself, no staff, nothing fancy, just good old fashioned results. I do all of this and still maintain a regular 9-5 because anti-piracy is not a lucrative business, but much like RYC I’m sure, I’m doing this because it’s the right thing to do. I have a great relationship with studios and have been able to convince them to give anti-piracy a chance and so far everyone is happy with the results.

Chris also put it into great perspective that some studios simply get pirated more than others. I know some content producers want to believe that there stuff is the greatest but I’ve had to turn away prospective clients because quite honestly, no one pirates their stuff, and I can’t in good conscience charge them a monthly fee to monitor nothing. Evil Angel on the other hand is one of if not the most pirated studio I represent, because they have a massive library of content to pirate and because they are in-demand. I could dedicate my entire day to Evil Angel and find even more stuff but I also have 30 or so other clients who pay me the same amount of money, but if you’d like Mike, I’ll FWD you the DMCA I sent to Rapidshare on behalf of Evil Angel that had 23k+ links, maybe that will change your mind.

I realize you’re passionate about this issue Mike and trust me I respect that. Some of the other studios you mentioned are dropping the ball about piracy or they are in bed with them…*cough*Jules Jordan*cough, but I know Eric does a great job for all his clients and I know the clients I rep appreciate the job I do for them. It’s incredibly difficult and time consuming and it’s very easy to feel like you’re making no headway but the comments I read from pirates frustrated by the efforts of me and Eric make it all worthwhile.

PS. Eric isn’t the only one who reps Digital Playground, so in a roundabout way…thanks for the compliment.

By: MikeSouth1226 Mon, 21 Jun 2010 19:10:57 +0000 [New Post] Christian Mann Responds: – via #twitoaster
