Comments on: Ben English/Derek Hay Blasts Will Ryder & X-Play The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Thu, 13 Jul 2023 11:43:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: gonzo Tue, 09 Mar 2010 15:00:34 +0000 Ben is just jealous that Jeff made a lot more money than he did in 2009. Good for Jeff he found an idea that works all the way to the bank.

By: bleibowitz Mon, 08 Mar 2010 06:46:22 +0000 Thank goodness someone is FINALLY addressing this pimp/dictator’s ridiculous presence in the adult industry.

Derek Hay is a faggot. That is not an insult to gay people, that is to say he is angry at his attraction to men (he prefers three-way scenes that involve another guy so he can focus his stare entirely on the other male performer), and he hates women. The agent WORKS FOR THE TALENT! When the agent withholds information from the talent, pushing them to do more than they are willing to do, and royally fucks people over because it’s more about making his base pay than providing real resources for everyone involved in a healthy work environment, you are looking at someone who not only hates women and hates the adult industry, you are looking at a foreigner who is laughing all the way to the bank while we tolerate his practices. Derek Gay is a piece of English shit that needs to be scraped off of the American pornographic boot heel with a fine razor and flung far, far away. This low-life is a virus, and any idiot in this industry who thinks they can’t get quality talent in this industry without him has never heard of MARK SPIEGLER, and a number of other agents who actually pay attention and care. His pimp-mobile, self-advertising van is a joke. He is obviously too full of himself and needs to be deflated.

Respect? I have no respect for the dickless faggot. He shits on everyone and then holds it over their heads, as if his threats really mean anything at all. A bully is either at your throat or at your feet. The talent is there, and without him around, the talent is still there, they just disperse and get other representation. Ever see his face in pictures? There is nothing there. He is a vacant and vapid waste of fucking space and we need to run him out of town. Sometimes, a person needs to be humbled. Derek Gay needs to be humbled. He is a shit bag.

Get the ridiculous pimps out of porn! Get this stupid little faggot out of our industry. Again, no insult to gays (whom I love!), just this piece of shit. Thank you for this post!!!

By: MikeSouth1226 Sat, 06 Mar 2010 15:30:01 +0000 [New Post] Ben English/Derek Hay Blasts Will Ryder & X-Play – via @twitoaster
