Comments on: If I am about to have sex I want to know if the person is HIV positive. Wouldn’t you? The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Sat, 15 Jul 2023 13:09:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kelan Lazlo Tue, 31 Oct 2017 23:27:04 +0000 u left out a major factor in your post
hiv isn’t just a single disease. there are lots of kinds of hiv.
If you have hiv type 1 and someone else you sleep with has hiv type 2, you are taking your meds to stop hiv 1, but now you are hit with hiv 2 = instant death sentence

also I read somewhere that like 10k people a year still die from hiv. so not sure why you are saying it’s no longer a death sentence. sounds like a death sentence to the 10k people who still die from it every year.

By: LurkingReader Mon, 30 Oct 2017 15:04:57 +0000 Life would be utopia if no one lied, fact is people lie and HIV will be something to lie about until stigma is gone.

To maintain a MMA license HIV antibody testing is required annually as part of a comprehensive physical. Not positive but seem to recall Nevada using antibody testing for brothel worker licenses.

Sex worker licenses fit the business model of performers as IC but it doesn’t fit the industry aka FSC business model of performers as a revenue stream.

Keep in mind with decriminalization and FSC talking allowing HIV+ into the performer talent pool they aren’t talking about any new or different tests. hmmmm

By: mharris127 Thu, 26 Oct 2017 09:33:33 +0000 Thank you for writing this article, Kelli. I hope it sways people that have a say in whether HIV positive performers may work with HIV negative performers. That would be beyond asinine to allow. IMO HIV positive people should only legally be allowed to fuck other HIV positive partners whether that be on a porn set or at home. The only exception should be a married couple and then only if the HIV negative spouse takes a four hour class from a local health department explaining the risks of fucking an HIV positive partner and detailing how to minimize the risk of getting HIV from him/her — and pass an exam to prove he/she actually paid attention and learned what he/she needs to know. I can accept serosorting where HIV positive performers only fuck other HIV positive performers but an HIV positive performer fucking an HIV negative performer should never happen unless they are married to each other.
