Comments on: Is HIV Positive TJ Cummings Trying To Get Hookups On Social Media The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Thu, 13 Jul 2023 10:03:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: ryceric Fri, 06 Jun 2014 21:28:44 +0000 Attempted murder. Someone should let the police know.

By: Retard Sean Wed, 04 Jun 2014 22:39:12 +0000 With all that said and done. How about a story about John Stagliano and Sheena Shaw having sex and going out and spreading the
love around the LA porn talent pool. Now that would be a big seller….

By: Donald Sterling Wed, 04 Jun 2014 21:38:56 +0000 ” He has Aids”

By: mikestabile Wed, 04 Jun 2014 18:12:44 +0000 In reply to MikeSouth.

He’s come out publicly (and repeatedly) saying he’s HIV+. Given that his positive status is pretty well known — I mean, he came out publicly about it in December, and it’s not hard for anyone to find it, and he just reiterated it recently — I find the idea that he’s trying to pass it off otherwise laughable. It doesn’t pass the smell test. However, he’s also claimed that people are actively trying to defame him. Given what I’ve seen in this industry around HIV witch-hunts, that seems very likely. The idea that people with HIV are actively trying to spread it is a moral panic narrative that goes back to the early days of the epidemic, but has never really born out in actuality.

By: Tammy Alpers Wed, 04 Jun 2014 15:19:30 +0000 Down right sick

By: mharris127 Wed, 04 Jun 2014 07:24:49 +0000 Mike, this is scary. I don’t know who this chick is that he may be trying to fuck but if the answer to your question is yes and he is not revealing his HIV status to whoever he fucks (or attempts to) TJ should go to prison. I hope for everyone’s sake TJ is not lying or withholding his positive HIV status when he dates or hooks up with someone. Thank you for giving the industry the heads up.

By: Lacey Blake Wed, 04 Jun 2014 03:15:08 +0000 I wish I could give a shit.. I really do.
But, the fact is that I honestly just don’t give a fuck.
Kinda sad, really… meh.

By: Marvin Coleman Wed, 04 Jun 2014 02:29:58 +0000 Marvin Coleman liked this on Facebook.

By: MikeSouth Wed, 04 Jun 2014 02:04:20 +0000 In reply to wusshater.

Nobody has convicted him…yet…I have lots more…This post was a warning shot across his bow that I am watching.

By: Ken Welch Wed, 04 Jun 2014 00:48:07 +0000 Will put the word out.
